Anonymous asked this question on 5/15/2000:
Since Indiana University once again displayed cowardice in allowing a mentally ill man with the lowest emotional maturity of any public figure anytime, anywhere, to continue to have acess to young athletes; if the locals have not also covered up occurrences of spousal and child abuse in the past (which always goes along with someone with this little self control) to keep Bobby winning games for those hoosiers. Could not communities that care more about the emotional and physical health of their young men sue the parents who purposely send their children into harm's way with Coach Knight and Indiana University for not protecting the students from a well documented nut case.
Paul157 gave this response on 5/17/2000:
Short and sweet....
He has been acting this way for years and we have talked about it, watched it, supported it (as long as we are winning), and we have laughed at it, why is it so surprising now? Why is it such a big deal now?
You think he is the only one? Not hardly!
I do NOT support the man...or do I? Do we? Look at the big picture. Look at all sports. Look at the money. Look at the amount of support we throw towards our teams even when players are "suspects" or "convicts".
It makes me sick...
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