Anonymous asked this question on 5/15/2000:
Since Indiana University once again displayed cowardice in allowing a mentally ill man with the lowest emotional maturity of any public figure anytime, anywhere, to continue to have acess to young athletes; if the locals have not also covered up occurrences of spousal and child abuse in the past (which always goes along with someone with this little self control) to keep Bobby winning games for those hoosiers. Could not communities that care more about the emotional and physical health of their young men sue the parents who purposely send their children into harm's way with Coach Knight and Indiana University for not protecting the students from a well documented nut case.
tcsmpsi gave this response on 5/16/2000:
Good Morning
To answer your question forthright, yes you could sue. Actually, the filing of a suit is a very simple matter, and technically, you can sue anyone for anything. Now, winning a suit is another matter. If proof could be produced in the form of unquestionable evidence, the entity to sue would be the university for recklessly exposing students to victimization. Too, even if the evidence is not complete, the filing of the suit against the university might would prompt the university to a course of action. But, then, if there is no conclusive evidence to substantiate the accusation, the coach and/or the university may cross file a suit of their own. I am not familiar with the details of the case, and do not know what evidence exists or not. I would be very thorough in finding this out before I expended energy in filing suit.
Sincerely, tcsmpsi
tcsmpsi gave this follow-up answer on 5/16/2000:
Good Afternoon
As I mentioned, I am not familiar with this person, or his possibly moronic demeanor. I don't know of any cases right off hand where a suit has been won over moronic behavior. However, there is a first time for everything. :)
Sincerely, tcsmpsi
The average rating for this answer is 4.
Anonymous rated this answer a 4.
Evidence is abundant ....he behaves now and has always behaved like a moron.