Anonymous asked this question on 4/27/2000:
Does any one know the essential features of the adversarial system of trial? Or any web sites that would tell me? Particually realating to Australia would be best, but ANY info will help me! Thanks
bjo328 gave this response on 4/28/2000:
The adversarial feature of most trials is that one side tries to present their position and the other side presents an opposiing position. In a criminal trial, the government or state takes the side of the victim of the crime and presents information to obtain justice and punishment for the accused. The accused has defense attorneys to present a position of doubt in the court and jurors mind that the accussed is indeed the perpetrator of the crime. If the state's case is overwhelming, defense attorneys will try to present a situation whereby mitigating circumstances were the cause of the accussed's behavior. In truth, no one goes to court in criminal cases looking for justice...what is sought instead is mercy
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Thankyou! :-)