Anonymous asked this question on 4/13/2000:
How can you stop all the chain letters that come through e-mail ...Offering free items if you send them on to X number of people ...Or offering bad luck if you don't send it on ....There has to be a way to stop this load on the net .. "Time Wasting"
peekobooicu gave this response on 4/14/2000:
The unfortunate problem is that they we are all subjected to "spam" or junkmail orchainletters bidding you badluck if not forwarded or goodluck if forwarded to enough people. it is junk plain and simple. you can change you settings to only allow email from selected people you chose.
spam can also be dangerous, chainletters have been known in the past as carriers of viruses.
please contact an expert in this page who specialized in computers and they will assist you in setting up your site to only allow the mail you want. I am sorry I couldn't be of more help. I do know about email as I do get alot as I am also Director of Web University and I get so much mail daily and it chokes the computer and I hope you have luck with your emails.
thank you for your question and may one of my other colleges can assist you in the seetings to eliminate spam.
good luck and thank you.
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