Anonymous asked this question on 3/31/2000:
My son was in his home studying at his desk (junior in college) when the front door burst open and another student (known to him from fraternity) ran in and started beating him. He ran out when he realized there was a girl sitting at the next desk screaming. He went outside and slashed the tires on my son's car. My husband and I called this boy's father who said he would talk with his son and said he would assure us this would never happen again. I called this boy(age 21) who admitted he was wrong, mishandled his anger, didn't offer to apologize or talk things over and refused to see a therapist. I called the father and told him he had two choices: His son would see a therapist of our choice and follow a prescribed treatment plan or I would be going to the District Attorney to file charges. (The father responded that I was being unreasonable and that "boys will be boys"). I don't know if this kid is more than a product of poor parenting skills, no ability to handle his anger, and in denial about his drug and alcohol abuse which I believe contributed to his irrationality. The father agreed to talk it over with his son, but told me I was blowing it up out of proportion. I want to know if this kid is more than a hothead and has a mentally unbalanced state that could lead to further attacks.
Poe gave this response on 4/2/2000:
You did not state why the boy claimed he attacked your son, but I see many problems in the situation you described. First, the fact that this young man thought he could just break into someones home and attack them. Multiple crimes were committed in this act alone. The cutting of the tires is blatant distruction of private property, among other things. This young man is also subject to civil penalties as well, and possibly from the girl with you son as well, i.e, emotional trauma, etc. He is responsible to your son for any injuries and resultant costs, as well as any property damaged, including the door or any items he destroyed in his attack. I would definitely say he needs some counseling. The acts alone to speak to violence, an inability to control anger and irrational thinking on many points. It is also interesting the father's reaction to this incident. If the guys are 18 and above, legally, their adults. Adults don't typically think it is socially acceptable to break into someones home and attack them, and in many instances, the attckers have been injured, some fatally, in self-defense, and courts have often viewed such self-defense as justified. Yes, other attacks are a potential. Given to whatever his mind set may be, he could attempt to retaliate against any efforts to make him pay for this crime. This is an intimidation tactic, as in, "call the cops and I'll get you." I would seek a restraining order atleast. Don't be bullied, because it you let someone victimize you, then you set yourself up to continue being victimized. Has the boy been prone to violent attack on others? Did your son in some way provoke this attack? This is not to say that your son is to blame for the attack, but rather did he do something that this person may have perceived as a wrong against him, such as stealing his girlfriend, etc. It sounds to me as if this boy's father is not going to take this matter seriously and your only option may be to file charges and press suit against the guy. Good luck. I hope your son was not seriously injured!!
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