psugrowler asked this question on 2/28/2000:
Why are so many pro athletes committing heinous violent crime today?
HBIC gave this response on 3/27/2000:
For the same reason why so many kids of all ages are, and more women, and more fathers are neglecting their duties as fathers to finacially support their kids, aswell as the mothers who do it to. We have come into a society where so called experts tell us we cannot spank out children for risk of life long emotional problems. Look, no matter who our parents were/are, and how they chose to discipline, we all turn out pretty messed up in some aspect of our psychi/emotions. None of us are completely healthy in relation to what they describe as such. Because of the increase of parents working outside the home and over time, and the fear of damaging our children, we have created a whole generation or two of antisocial personalities. No responsibility, no discipline, no guilt, no autonomy, no accountability, no punishment, no rules, no reasons. You can also attribute the rise to the increase of these incidents being reported as the women and or men become more empowered. We have to remember, for every crime, no matter what it is, there are 2 or three or more that go unreported. The most reported crime to police departments according to UCR is household burglaries, surprisingly, fewer people report their car was stolen. That does not say that fewer cars are stolen then there are burglaries, it just means that some, maybe for no insurance payoff, choose not report a stolen car, maybe also due to the feeling of being personally violated when someone is in your home, rumaging through your personal things.
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