lali2002 asked this question on 3/5/2000:
Hi, I have to do a Research project on Serial Killers, im not sure how to start it, all i find is examples of them. Nothing really intresting. i was wondering if anyone can help with absolutely anything. I'm trying to maybe, discover something unknown, or simply a way to make my project different and unique. My thesis sentence is.. Although serial killers' actions stem from their early childhood, they should still be held accountable for their crimes. Any opinions, facts or ideas, will be really appreciated. Thanks Lali
HBIC gave this response on 3/23/2000:
As you will discover, there are many different opinions about serial killers and the underlying causes. I want you to remember though, that Leopold and Loeb, which flighttofpain mention in their response, was not a serial killing. there fore the underlying causes and motives to their crime, while related psychologically, are irrelevant to your question. I have seen mention of psychotic. SERIAL KILLERS ARE NOT PSYCHOTIC, by any means. they do not have dellusions or hallucinations. they claim they do as part of their game. A sociopath can manipulate and con even the best psychologists into believing that they are insane, when they are not, and they know they are not. Personality disorders do not mean insane, and antisocials have personality disorders. Son of Sam killer was mentioned as a psychotic serial killer. He was not. He made it all up. The hillside strangler did not have multiple personality disorder, he made it all up. Yes as rational persons, we would say that anyone who kills must be psychologically disturbed, or insane. But we are all capable of homicide in whatever forms it comes. infantacide, suicide, murder, mercy killings. what differentiates a serial killer is the number of killings over a period of time, and the lack of guilt, love, a glib personality, grandiose impressions of their own importance and so on. If you have done your research right, you have steered away from those who give information based on opinion, rather than studies. The only way one can truly know what characteristics are common in serial killers is those who have studied it, spent months/years researching, and have had extensive instruction in deviant and abnormal behavior psychology.
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lali2002 rated this answer a 4.
Thanks a lot, most useful