psugrowler asked this question on 2/28/2000:
Why are so many pro athletes committing heinous violent crime today?
peekobooicu gave this response on 3/20/2000:
I have a personal answer to that one if I may!!!!!!
First off as far as I am concerned, they make too much money, too fast, they get put so high on a pedistal that they get a big fat head.
They think that all the money they make will pay for ANYTHING and all mistakes they make.
I have yet to hear of a pro anyone getting harsh time for crime, except of course Mike Tyson and he still came out a smug@##@#$%^&* but thats not in my nature to talk like that so I won't.
The public are the ones that give these guys and some gals the swelled heads and then they figure they can do no wrong. That their money will buy them anything, even high-priced Lawyers .
They put their paychecks in huge homes, security, big limos, fast cars and even faster women and drugs and big burley security guards but never consider the consequences and then expect a high priced lawyer to find loop-holes to get them off so they can spit on the justice system and go back to their fancy hi classed life styles until the next time and the next until hes broke and needs help.
First step is to stop paying them such huge salaries living like kings and laughing and spitting on the paupers who pay their salaries .
Thats My opinion. I love sports just like the next guy and will cheer on my hometeams but I still have my OPINION.
Thank you!!!!!
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