starkicker3 asked this question on 3/6/2000:
How do parents play a role in gun control?
STB56 gave this response on 3/13/2000:
The first step is obviously not keep loaded guns or guns and ammo within kids reach. The second step is to teach them how to deal with anger in a possitive manner. Guns are no different from any other weapon, including your hands except that they have a higher occurrence of death. The underlying issue is of anger management, and power management. If you teach a child that if someone does not like you it is ok to behave violently toward them they will. The use of weapons also comes out of fear. People are much much more likely to use a weapon if they are more afraid of the other person, or if they want to prove a powerful point. Uses of weapons and weapons make the other person who does not have one afraid. Before the person had a weapon they were afraid. So you have to not keep weapons around your children, and also teach them appropriate responses to anger and hostility. As well as the underlying problem of fear.
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