Anonymous asked this question on 2/2/2000:
I am a retired athlete. I murdered a couple of people in a fit of jealous rage several years ago. I beat the rap, but later lost a civil suit. The ordeal has left me almost broke. I would like to kill again, but I worry that if I got caught I could not afford to buy myself out of trouble. I would like to find a legal or quasi-legal outlet for my murderous impulses. Perhaps there is a third world country where I could go and help execute prisoners and political dissidents? I would appreciate any ideas. Thanx.
peekobooicu gave this response on 2/7/2000:
Dear Sir/Madam;
In response to your question MR. O.J. SIMPSON, I feel that there are several questions still unaswered and I think they went to the grave, there is no question that money can buy anyone freedom and maybe someone else would be sitting on deathrow right now with a public defence team of legal aide lawyers.
You mean to say that after spending that kind of money and coming out a winner that if it happened again you would be cleared. Would not one of the five dreamteam take you as a Pro Bono case. Nevertheless, maybe your particular murderous impulses would be better served as the right arm odf Sadam Hussien and then you won't be taken for wrongful death actions. Otherwise I think you should be more concerned about your family and the family of any future victims of YOURS should there be anymore. If you have anymore questions to ask, please ask away and I will do my best to to give or get you the right answer.
Sincerely yours,
Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
Thank you for your thoughts. That is a good idea. I will have to give Mr. Hussein a call.