Beverly Rice <> a écrit dans le message :
> TOP SECRET Military document in Scientology hands. This document
> is a map of the Hellinikon Airforce Base in Athens. It was seized
> during the 1995 Prosecutor raids in Scientology's KEFE center
> (now dissolved).
> Scientology somehow got this TOP SECRET map, which was describing
> sensitive Airforce installations.
> Okay . . . how did Co$ get this . . .
> and what would they need it for?
> I mean, ~THEY~ don't need maps describing another countries
> sensitive Airforce installations . . . maybe another country
> would like it.
> I know that Co$ is infiltrating lots of different countries with
> different governments.
> Could this, and other sensitive military documents they probably
> have . . .
> be used as a friendly little gift for another government to
> look the other way for Co$'s favour?
Scientology is collecting everything it can, then, cross-refrencing it,
then, using it anywayu it can, by inst ance for blackmail.
The day we'll come into their INCOMM SYSTEM , they are done in 24 hours,
everybody having any OSA post just trashed where it should be: jail.