These bozos have subpoenaed my hard drives because they think I'm part of some Procter and Gamble conspiracy. I have never (so far as I know) met or spoken with any P&G employee, nor been on any of the mailing lists they mention. All this because I hosted a mirror site of Sidney Schwartz's "Amway: The Untold Story" after I heard that Amway was trying to shut it down, and then didn't freely give their attorneys what they wanted in exchange for an unreasonable agreement that would have restricted my freedom of speech. Amway has never really been a big activist interest of mine, I just like to help out with mirror sites when ignorant people try to censor information they don't like. Scientology never pulled this on me, though they might have if Jeff Jacobsen didn't live in Phoenix (they pulled a similar subpoena/deposition tactic on him)--and I was picketing and publishing critical articles about them! A copy of my Amway subpoena is on my web site. -- Jim Lippard Unsolicited bulk email charge: $500/message. Don't send me any. PGP Fingerprint: 0C1F FE18 D311 1792 5EA8 43C8 7AD2 B485 DE75 841C