[Scientology buying front groups in Switzerland]
Do angels have proper wings?
Divine messengers from heaven
are also in style in the Linth area
during the Christmas season
The celebration of love in our society is
often overshadowed by stress. In these times
people seek silence. Angels can be mediators
to one's on id. These heavenly messengers
are coming back to life in humanity's
consciousness, which is not entirely without
Zurich, Switzerland
December 15, 2000
Suedostschweiz Presse
by Alex kuch
Disparaged as kitsch, not usually mentioned except in the
movies or in Christmas stories, angels have been
suppressed from the humanity's awareness long ago.
Stress, environmental changes and phenomena like
burn-out syndrome and other illnesses like ulcers and
depression have taken their toll on our society. People
are now rethinking the situation, they yearn for serenity
and inner peace - they ask for help. In that situation a
supernatural being easily appears and offers such
protection - the angel.
Feeling of Security
"In their childhood most people heard they have a
guardian angel who protects them from evil," says Georg
Otto Schmid, sect researcher in Greiffensee. "Because of
that more and more people reestablish contact with this
being." Schmid sees the importance in the effect of
so-called miracles from these heavenly messengers. If
someone believes in a guardian angel, it would maintain a
presence and bestow upon that person a feeling of
security. He says that is important psychologically. Ruth
Brogle, minister in Uznach, verified, "When I sit in a car
and ask my guardian angel to protect other people on the
street and me from myself, I can drive much more
calmly." She sees angels as a connection to God and
believes many people have lost their line to him. She says
with the help of angels, people can give the divinity a
name. But in doing so it is important not to pray to the
angel, but solely to God, Brogle believes.
Seeking the silence in ourselves
Angels are in fact edging their way more into the
consciousness of humanity. In America, according to a
study, 70 percent of the population believes in angels; 30
percent say they have even seen them. Health practices,
some of which have to do with angels, are shooting up in
Switzerland and in the Linth area like mushrooms. A
shop has recently appeared in Uster which deals
exclusively in angel statues. Reiki and Auro-Soma, along
with Feng Shui, are also partly involved with spirituality.
Andreas Schwab of the Swiss "Kaleidoskop"
organization reports that angels occur in every religion.
But why are these lightweights now on such a big
upswing? "Man seeks silence, but finds stress, on the job
and while Christmas shopping," he reports.
Schwab thinks that he can find this silence in himself.
Every day he takes ten minutes of time alone so that he
can listen to his heart beat. "When I then ask my guardian
angel to give a sign or show himself, he does it." But, he
says, there is no guarantee that a person will see an
angel, "More often this being appears in an idea, a feeling
or a taste." Angels are very shy and will not take form at
the drop of a hat. This needs time. "You can look at it
like a mutual taming, until both - human and angel - are
ready for this confrontation," Schwab believes.
According to people who have done it, though,
everybody sees angels differently." Some say angels have
wings, others tell of a beam of light surrounding the being.
This could absolutely be construed optically as wings,
say Schwab. "But is it important whether they have wings
or not?"
The Key to Happiness
Georg Otto Schmid warns of charlatans and so-called
false prophets: behind some organizations, like
Auro-Soma which originally started out as a serious
institution, lurks more and more the Scientology Church
(Dianetics). He stressed that Scientologists had recently
bought up several institutions. Dealing with spirituality as
such could also be dangerous, said Schmid. If subjects
get too involved with the spiritual, they can lose
orientation to reality. "It happens that families and
children in particular are neglected because of this
"Once a person realizes that he carries divine sparks
within himself, he sees through charlatans and will not
need a medium for his problems," believes Karl Zemp,
graduate health advisor in Weesen. Zemp says he is a
medium and a clairvoyant himself and also gets involved
with angels. "The Christ-awareness should continue to
spread in our hearts - that is the key to happiness,
desires and dreams," he says. By that he means that
every person possesses special abilities.
Zemp says he his only effect upon his patients is to have
them discover their own divinity. "This has nothing to do
with superiority or playing God. We carry God in
ourselves, but we just forgot about him a little," said
Zemp. Anyone looking at or listening to Zemp will notice
that Zemp is convinced of what he says. "If Jesus were to
be born a thousand times in Bethlehem and not in me,
then I would be a thousand times lost," he says. But
angels, he says, are an aid in finding self. Then one can
ask God and his guardian angel to help to solve
problems. "But you have to remember: love needs care
and time," Zemp believes.
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