Nice try, Mike McKean. You did get my AOL account suspended...but not for long. Those of you on this alt.religion.scientology newsgroup should take note of this blatant internet abuse. I am also posting this notice on the alt.flame.psychiatry newsgroup as MIke McKean has been posting scientology's poisonous anti-psychiatry hate literature and postings on both of these newsgroups. Anyone who is sincerely interest in the right of free speech on the internet should take note of the scientology cult's subversive actions. They will use their members like MIke McKean to subvert these newsgroups and to file false complaints against those who challenge the hate literature that he is distributing. AOL subscribers should really pay attention to this. AOL will take any spurious complaint, such as Mike McKeans againsgt me, and suspend your account with no notice or anything. This is truly shameful for aa leading internet provider to do this. Fortunately for AOL, they did not block my incoming least they claim that they didn't but I'm not sure. If they had done this they would have a very big lawsuit coming their way. Many of you know that I am not the only one that the Church of Scientology has done this to. You are a coward and you belong to a cowardly subversive cult. JIm Beebe