Just checking out the Scn entries on AOL and found this link to the "Old Timers Network." Seems pretty inactive and the graphic never loaded for me.
Then over on the Founding Scientologists web site, they have exactly *four* old timers listed. How come this international "religion" with over 8,000,000 members can only dig up four people who are willing to be listed?
The critics' area on AOL is nicely populated with links, including (long list follows): Sites In Category Scientology: Web results may contain objectionable material not endorsed by AOL.
a.. Operation Clambake *Editor's Pick!* The fight against Scientology on the Net. http://www.xenu.net
b.. A Critic's Page An anonymous critic tells why he thinks Scientology is an obscenity--as if the Mafia ran a multi-level marketing scam, and called it a noble religion. http://home.netcom.com/~seekon/myself.html
c.. An Introduction to Scientology[tm] from a Critical Perspective For the curious and the uninformed. http://www.modemac.com/cos
d.. Anti Scientology Views Information about and hyperlinks to material regarding litigation and lawsuits, use of celebrities, allegations of human rights and child abuse, fraud and criminality, mind control and brainwashing. Victim support. http://www.antiscientologyviews.com
e.. ARS Web Page Summary Notable recent Scientology-related URLs, huge directory of anti-Scientology sites. Uses frames. http://www.altreligionscientology.org
f.. Australian Critics of Scientology Resource Collection Press articles, radio transcripts, picketing reports (including leaflets and how-to), personal stories, critical books, legal and Government opinions, and Scientology humour. - 6 megabytes total. http://wpxx02.toxi.uni-wuerzburg.de/%7egerard
g.. Batchild's Home Page Transcripts of TV, radio, and multimedia programs about Scientology, plus links to other critical sites. http://members.home.net/batchild1
h.. Bridge to Nowhere: Cult of Scientology Chronicle of some Church of Scientology efforts to silence critics' free speech on the Internet, with links to related sites. http://users.ev1.net/~doogmeister/dcs/scieno1.html
i.. Canadian Critical Scientology Information News, court papers, and ex-Scientologists' stories from a Canadian perspective. http://xenu.ca
j.. Christianity and Scientology--A Comparison Examines the claim that the religious beliefs and teachings of Scientology are compatible with those of Christianity. http://www.sweenytod.com/cos
k.. Considering Scientology? What do you have to lose by asking your contact a few questions? http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/5987
l.. Critical Information about Scientology Critical facts on the Church of Scientology, by Jeff Jacobsen. http://www.primenet.com/~cultxpt/cos.htm
m.. Critical Scientology Site Providing many pages of information. Contains a multimedia page as well as pictures from pickets against the Scientology cult in Stockholm, Sweden. http://www.users.wineasy.se/noname
n.. Dutch BodyThetan Organization Includes a "Guided Tour of Scientology and Dianetics," as well as information about church policy and practices. http://www.b-org.demon.nl
o.. Entheta Comparison of Scientology and Anthroposophy, for those who know a little about the former but are unfamiliar with the latter. Also a summary of the Church of Scientology's war on the Internet, and a list of those gravely injured by Scientology. http://www.uncletaz.com/backyard/entheta/entheta.html
p.. ExScientologist Expert auditing is available for expelled Scientologists. http://utopianstates.com/exscientologist
q.. Greece Uncovers Scientology Material about the cult of Scientology in Greece and the revelations about it, as a result of the three raids Public Prosecutor Ioannis Angelis conducted at KEPHE in 1995. http://w4u.eexi.gr/~antbos/SCIENTOL.HTM
r.. I mock up my reactive mind Anti-Scientology page by Jens Tingleff. http://wwwusers.imaginet.fr/~jensting/muslinger
s.. I Write, Therefore I Am Karin Spaink's columns and essays, many of them criticizing Scientology. In English and Dutch. http://www.xs4all.nl/~kspaink
t.. In Retrospect: Cult Awareness Network CAN was forced to close in mid-1996 as a result of a lawsuit. CAN is now operated by the Church of Scientology. This is a mirror of the original site. http://www.icon.fi/~marina/can
u.. Information about the Church of Scientology The 0% opinion web page. A large portion of the records here are the result of database searches of on-line state public records. http://wpxx02.toxi.uni-wuerzburg.de/~brett
v.. Inside the Cult of Scientology Mainly deals with the subjects of Scientology, Dianetics, and L. Ron Hubbard. http://homepages.skylink.net./~teddy
w.. Knights of Xenu Leaflets and court transcripts as well as information about counter pickets by church members. http://www.xmission.com/~mirele
x.. Le secticide : L'Anti - scientologie English and bilingual French-English section of a French anti-Scientology site. News articles, editorials, court transcripts, and other texts critical of the criminal cult of Scientology. http://myweb.worldnet.net/~gonnet/indexH.htm
y.. Measures Undertaken by the Government of the State of Bavaria Against Scientology Official government web site details the findings of governmental research on Scientology, and outlines 15-point plan of action against this "anti-constitutional movement with a criminogenic structure" and "psycho-group." http://www.innenministerium.bayern.de/english/scientolo...
z.. My Scientology-Related Page Online versions of Ted Mayett's CDs: picket announcements, photos, and leaflets, documentation of abuse by the Church of Scientology. http://scn.martinobrien.com
aa.. Occupied Clearwater Information on Scientology in Clearwater, Florida, one of the home bases of Scientology in the USA. http://www.xenu-city.net
ab.. Operation Snow White and the Guardian Office 11 Not too long ago, 11 members of the Guardian Office were sent to jail. Where are they now? http://www.wwwaif.net/GO
ac.. Oxford Capacity Analysis--Under the Microscope Statistical analysis of Scientology's personality test. http://home.ozonline.com.au/abarnham/oca/oca.html
ad.. Perry Scott's Scientology Page Perry and his wife were in the "Church" for a few years in the early 80's. They completed a few courses and came away poorer but wiser. http://www.ezlink.com/~perry/Co$
ae.. Rick Ross: Scientology A large collection of press articles related to the group's activities and impact. http://www.rickross.com/groups/scientology.html
af.. Scientology and Dianetics Claims to be the world's largest online archive of the dirty secrets of Scientology. At FactNet. http://www.factnet.org/Scientology/dianetics.html
ag.. Scientology Audited An archive of independent research and documentation on Scientology. http://wpxx02.toxi.uni-wuerzburg.de/~cowen
ah.. Scientology Kills Personal stories of former Scientologists, a list of those allegedly killed by Scientology, and listings from the WISE directory. http://www.scientology-kills.org
ai.. Scientology Lies Reviews and refutes Scientology's claims about its founder, its members, its critics, its cost, its drug treatment program, its policies, its ethics, its beliefs, and its compatibility with traditional religions. Includes anecdotes about the site owner's harassment by Scientologists. http://www.scientology-lies.com
aj.. Scientology's Secret Service An exposé of the shady activities of Scientology's intelligence agencies. http://www.entheta.org/entheta/go
ak.. Scientology, Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard: Information Links Critical information on various aspects of Scientology, from SIMPOS. English and Dutch versions. http://www.stelling.nl/simpos/scieneng.htm
al.. Scientology--Organized Madness Views from Finland. http://www.helsinki.fi/~huuskone/Scn
am.. Scientology--Religion or Not? This page links to primary material (e.g., legal documents, books, witness reports) and some background information on Scientology. http://wpxx02.toxi.uni-wuerzburg.de/~krasel/CoS
an.. Scientology: Cult of Greed and Power Entheta.net, a large collection of information and links that reveal the practices, structure, and behavior of Co$. Includes a FAQ and personal accounts by ex-Scientologists. http://www.entheta.net
ao.. Secrets of Scientology Virtual library of Scientology-related materials. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Secrets/index.html
ap.. Sloth's Suppressive Person's Page An overview of the evidence against the Church of Scientology. http://www.planetkc.com/sloth/sci/sci_index.html
aq.. Stephen's UK Scientology Information Page Critical information about the 'corrupt, sinister and dangerous' Scientology organisation, with an emphasis on information relevant to the UK. http://www.demon.co.uk/castle/scientology.html
ar.. The Church of Scientology A page with bits and pieces by David H. Dennis. http://www.amazing.com/scientology
as.. The Church of Scientology About Scientology from a Christian perspective. Argues that Scientology and Christianity are mutually exclusive, despite what the CoS may say on the topic. http://bible.ca/scientology.htm
at.. The Cult of Greed and Power Short personal story of how the author went from thinking of Scientology as just another religious group to actively opposing it as a criminal organization which is bent on destroying free speech. http://blkbox.com/~sderby/scieno/cult_of_greed.html
au.. The Cult of Greed and Power: Scientology and Dianetics Tilman Hausherr's anti-Scientology page, with copious links. http://www.xenu.de/#cos
av.. The Cult of Scientology An overview of Scientologist beliefs, essays on Scientology as an "amoral cult" and on free speech issues, glossary of Scientologese, recommended resources. http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~cj871/scnindex.html
aw.. The dark side of Scientology A movie from Mona Botros and Egmond R. Koch. http://www.xs4all.nl/~bogie/dunkle_seite/index.html
ax.. The Lisa McPherson Trust Exposing the abusive and deceptive practices of the Church of Scientology and helping its victims. http://www.lisatrust.net
ay.. The Real Steve Fishman Home Page Yes, it's the homepage of *that* Fishman. http://www.xs4all.nl/~fishman
az.. The Rediscovery of the Human Soul by L. Ron Hubbard A publicist asked Robert Todd Carroll to consider this book. He obliges, at considerable length. Scientology is not a religion, and not scientific, he says; it is perhaps best described as a philosophical cult. http://skepdic.com/refuge/hubbard.html
ba.. The Wacky Cult News All the news too weird to believe, but it's true. A selection of news stories, book excerpts, and court records critical of Scientology. http://alley.ethercat.com/wackycultnews.html
bb.. Theism Scientology found sadly lacking in any ability to foster true spiritual progress. Muslim perspective. http://www.ecotao.com/holism/theism/index.html
bc.. What is Scientology? An introduction to the Church of Scientology's beliefs and practices. http://home.netcom.com/~seekon/summary.html
bd.. Xemu's $cientology Index Includes FAQs, jargon dictionary, songs, parodies and annotated links to dozens of other pages critical of Scientology. http://www.xemu.demon.co.uk/clam Chip Gallo
Knowing how to Know is Knowing When to Blow