Thanks for writing this, Jesse.
It confirms a bit about Ron that I observed when he was at
Norwescon --I think it was Norwescon 4 which would place it
probably in '82 or thereabouts. He was acting extremely
paranoid, said he was hiding from "enemies who wanted to kill
him" and we (my friends and I) basically said "Well, if you
need to hide, an sf con is about the best place, no one would
find you here!"
He was also at Norwescon One which was in 1978, and bragged
then at how he was making all this stuff up off the top of his
head and how proud he was at all the sycophants that bought it
hook, line, and sinker. He was pretty stoned and drunk most of
the time at the Con, and the more he drank the more effusive
and fun he got. Of course all I knew at the time was that it
was a scam, I did not know about the abuses.
But he did revel in making the whole lot up and saying
whatever popped into his head and having the credulous hang on
every word.
The more I read about the experiences of everyone who fell into
his paranoid delusional universe, though, the more amazed I am
that he apparently crafted the trap seemingly well despite all
the off the wall claptrap. Once immersed in it, the delusions
seem almost self perpetuating.
I am glad you are out of it. I wish that the rest were--at
least the ones who are still trying to talk themselves out of
doubts and figure out why it isn't working for them, and all
the ones who are being confined against their will.
Bright Blessings,
Starshadow (SP4, KoX) (remove lovesxenu to reply)
"Feminism--the radical notion that women are people, too"