Experienced in doing psychiatric evaluations ( in the evil psych-business for more than three decades ) and profiling, I would say that just reading the courtfile : http://www.dcd.uscourts.gov/98-2406.pdf ,
gives a clear and strong indication that the plaintiff very well could be suffering from systematic paranoic delusions probably based on true visual hallucinations.( Stating for a fact , that she has witnessed her alleged husband being incarcerated on phony charges - an incident that clearly never has happened according to the massive volume of governmental documents produced as a result of her own "quest" for the "truth" - proving herself to be , yes thats right folks - delusional) Over time it also seems that plaintiff has developed ( if not present in onset of disease) a megalomaniac ideation ( herself being an offspring to a US President )
Contrary to how the sane and normal majority of the public would react , plaintiff concludes that the abscence of evidence , is , yes right again folks - evidence on the conspiracy!!!
This reminds me of a case of paranoic jealousy , where the sick husband stated that, the fact that there was NO ladder risen to his wifes bedroom window , proved for certain that she and the neighbourgh was planning to elope. They of course had removed the ladder so he wouldn�t find out about their plans!! The lacking ladder hence became proof of the conspiracy.
I strongly recommend the plaintiff in the courtcase above, to seek professional psychiatric help.My heart bleeds for her , knowing and feeling her suffering, and knowing that remedy is at hand if she should seek the necessary help. My statements about plaintiffs mental health, should also be seen in the light of the fact that I have not performed a personal regular psychiatric evaluation, a fact that leaves room for error in judgement on my part.
From: Operatingwithinthelaw@yahoo.com (Truth Speaker)
Subject: Why I, Barbara Schwarz would pass any examination...
Date: 7 Jan 2004 15:52:24 -0800
Message-ID: <7af7db0.0401071552.2ca752f4@posting.google.com>
Why I would pass any psychological examination? Because I am sane and smart. Most of you ARS posters aren't. Read below to get a bit smarter. If psychs would come to get me, they would hear a lot of legal statutory language and trust me, they would be pretty much stressed to respond adequately. :)
There is ...a sphere within which the individual may assert the supremacy of his own will and rightfully dispute the authority of any human government, especially of any free government existing under a written constitution, to interfer with the excercise of that will. Jacobsen v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11, 29 (1905).
(Not Jeff Jacobsen, he doesn't write smart, but he could be that old, probably wearing Depends and that gave him perhaps the idea to dramatize Gandhi.)
A person's intellect is surely within that protected sphere. The right of a person to liberty, autonomy and privacy over his or her own thought process is situated at the core of what it means to be a free person. It is essential to the most elementary concepts of human freedom, dignity, and self-expression, and demands this court's steadfast protection. The right to sovereignty over one's own thought processes is the quintessence of freedom, and is protected by the First Amendment.
This is important for the people to know, who scream that I should be forcefully medicated, and committed, because I dare to speak my mind. ARS extremist and friends, can you follow? Try at least...
The First Amendment protects communciation of virtually all kinds whether in writing, verbal, pictural, or any symbolic form, and whether cognitive or emotive in nature.
The First Amendment, declared by the court in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943), gives a constitutional preference for "individual freedom of mind" over "officially disciplined uniformity for which history indicates a disappointing and disastrous end".
Professor Thomas Emerson said in The System of Freedom of Expression 21-22: "Forming or holding a belief occurs prior to expression. But it is the first stage in the processes of expression, and it tends to progress into expression. Hence safeguarding the right to form and hold beliefs is essential in maintaining a system of freedom of expression. Freedom of belief, therefore, must be held included within the protection of the First Amendment.
We can have intellectual individualism and the rich cultural diversities that we owe to exceptional minds only at the price of occasional eccentricity and abnormal attitudes. 319 U.S. 624.
Do you hear that Karin Spaink who talks people into committing suicide? Abnormal attitude...
I hope it will become one day clear to you guys that I have the exceptional mind, while you hecklers have the kind of remaining kind of minds.
Are you still with me, Tory Christman, Tigger, Sally Goodman, Frederic Rice, Garry Scarff and all the other people that live in the dark? I know you have a hard time understanding that, but apply L. Ron Hubbard's study technology and things will become clearer. :)
And listen up, David Rice and all you folks who promote psychiatric drugs. These drugs "alter the chemical balance in a patient's brain, leading to changes...in his or her cognitive processes". Harper, 494 U.S. at 229. See, dirty Rice boy, that is your problem. With your drugs you can't have the cognitions that you need to turn your life around and to become truly something worth.
"...the physical and mental side effects of the drugs might be unacceptable, even dangerous". Harper, 494 U.S. at 238. Even in the absence of physical and mental "side effects" the fact remains that anti psychotic drugs strongly affect thought processes.
It should be noted that anti psychotic drugs do not cure mental illness; rather they suppress the symptoms of the illness. See Gerald Davidson & John Neale, Abnormal Psychology 305 (8th ed 2001).
If that is not enough reasons to spit that stuff out, but be careful when Garry Scarff spits, he has AIDS.
By forcing a person to take mind-altering drug against his or her will, the government is commandeering that person's mind, and forcibly changing his or her alibity to formulate particular thoughts. In re Guardianship of Roe, 421 N.E.2d 40, 52-3 (1981), ("the impact of the chemcials upon the brain is sufficient to undermine the foundation of personality.)
Are you now finally a bit smarter, Dave Touretzky, Arnie Lerma, Roger Gonnet and Barb Graham Warr?
The First Amendment protects the communication of ideas, which itself implies protection of the capacity to produce ideas. Antipsychiotic drugs have the capacity to severly and even permanently affect an individual's to think and communicate. Bee, 744 F2d at 1393-94.
That's why so many ARS posters post as they have an impaired brain and mind. They pop those stupid and dangerous drugs.
Psychiatry is not an exact science, and psychiatrists disagree widely and frequently on what constitutes mental illness, on the appropriate diagnosis to be attached to given behavior and symptoms, on cure and treatment..." Ake v. Oklahoma, 470 U.S. 68, 81 (1985). See also Ennis & Litwack, Psychiatry and the Presumption of Expertise: Flipping coins in the courtroom, 62 Cal. L. rev. 693, 697-708, 729-32 (1974).
See, Joe Lynn, you and the other extremists below were just lucky that you are not in an institution forcefully medicated. Hey, and think about Dave Bird roaming streets with his pants down!
There can be no doubt that commitment to a mental institution results in a "massive curtailment of liberty", Humphrey v. Cady 405 U.S. 504, 509.
No, that is not Kady O'Malley, but her actions are pretty crazy. Who knows, perhaps Mountain Police want to institutionalize her and that is why she fears them?
Anyway, Persons incarcerated in mental hospitals are not only deprived of their physical liberty, they are also deprived of friends, family and community. 442 U.S. 584, 627.
Tilman Hausherr, can you please make sure that the German psychs, the butchers of Munich get a copy of that and stick it behind their blood crusted mirrors? So should you, as you are such a fan of those butchers, right?
It turns out that psychiatrists, with the full understanding and tacit permission of the trial judges, regularly lie in court to obtain involuntary commitment and forced medication orders. Michael L. Perlin, Journal of Law and Health 1993/1994, 8 JLHealth 15, 33-34 in "Can Sanist Attitudes Be Undone?" The psychiatric profession explicitly acknowledged psychiatrists regularly lie to the courts in order to obtain forced treatment orders.
Those "saints"... and what a destructive cult psychiatry is!
E. Fuller Torrey, M.D. one of the prominent proponent of involuntary psychiatric treatment said: "It would probably be difficult to find any American psychiatrist working with the mentally ill who has not, at a minimum, exaggerated the dangerousness of a mental ill person's behavior to obtain a judicial order for commitment. Torey E. Fuller, 1997 Out of the Shadows.
What is no doubt shocking to Americans who have experienced the referred to psychiatry process, it turns out that the legal protections for people diagnosed as mentally ill are not worth the paper they are written on and the court proceedings are fairly characterized as a sham. The effect of it is described by Professor Perlin:
"Its toxin infects all participants in the judicial system, breeds cynicism and disrespect for the law. Demeans participants, and reinforces shoddy lawyering, blase judging, and, at times, perjurious and/or corrupt testifying. The reality is well known to frequent customers of judicial services in this area: to mental health advocates and other public defender/legal aid/legal service lawyers assigned to represent patients and criminal defendants who are mentally disabled, to prosecutors and state attorneys assigned to represent hospitals, to judges who regularly hear such cases, to expert and lay witnesses... " Sanist Attitudes, supra.
Before you guys post unqualified postings that a person should be committed or drugged, just because she is of other opinions and thinks differently than you do, pull out the law books as I do and operate within the laws.
Barbara Schwarz (the real one)
P.S. Postings with e-mail address Barbara_Schwarz@emailaccount.com and identity Barbara_Schwarz are not done by me. Those are forgeries of criminal, Aids infected gay lunatic Garry Lynn Scarff in Los Angeles. And Frederic Rice is as little a de Rothschild as a dirty slimy and greasy punch bag is an impressive man.
---------------------------------------------- Linda Anderson http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/andersenl1.html Gerald Armstrong http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/armstrong1.html Jim Beebe http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/beebej1.html Graham Berry http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/berry.html David Bird http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/birdd1.html Tory Christman http://religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/christmant4.html Ursula Caberta http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/caberta.html Ida Camburn http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/camburn1.html Joe Cisar http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/cisarj1.html Robert Clark http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/clark1.html Elizabeth Ann Cox http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/coxea1.html Mark Dallara http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/dallara1.html Alexander Dvorkin http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/dvorkin1.html Valerie Emanuel http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/emanuelv1.html Steven Fishman http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/fishman1.html Vickki Ford Cook http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/fordv1.html Phil Georgi http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/jacobsen6.html Scott Goehring http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/goehrings1.html Roger Gonnet http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/gonnet1.html Barbara Graham http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/graham1.html Gregg Hagglund http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/hagglund1.html Steve Hassan http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/false_exp/hassan1.html Tilman Hausherr http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/hauser1.html Andreas Heldal-Lund http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/lund1.html Keith Henson http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/henson1.html Deana Holmes http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/holmes1.html Jeff Jacobsen http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/jacobsen1.html Charlotte Kates http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/katesc1.html Rod Keller http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/keller1.html Steven Kent http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/false_exp/kent1.html Arnie Lerma http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/lerma1.html Joe Lynn http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/lynn1.html Ted Mayett http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/mayett1.html Frank Oliver http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/oliver.html Kady O'Malley http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/omalley1.html Zenon Panoussis http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/panoussis1.html Ted Patrick http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/false_exp/patrick1.html Michael Pattinson http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/pattinsonm1.html Robert Peterson http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/peterson1.html Bruce/Kathleen Pettycrew http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/pettycrew.html Jesse Prince http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/prince1.html Roland Rashleigh-Berry http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/rashleighb1.html David Rice http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/riced.html Fred Rice http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/ricef.html Rick Ross http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/false_exp/rossr1.html Karin Spaink http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/spaink1.html David Touretzky http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/touretzky1.html Alan Walter http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/walter1.html Grady Ward http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/ward.html Johan Wevers http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/weversj1.html Hana/Jerry Whitfield http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/false_exp/whitfield1.html Larry Wollersheim http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/wollersheim1.html Sten-Arne Zerpe http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org/extremists/zerpesa1.html -- http://www.religiousfreedomwatch.org --