I just received a letter from Rosemarie Bretschneider ("RB") with information that she first time ever revealed to me. But she is still withholding other information, esp. about Mark C. Rathbun, (de Rothschild), Marty and his wrongful incarceration.
However, she wrote that Larry Forsgren from Sweden came to Munich in 1984 and tried to visit me in the closed ward of the psychiatric hospital of the University of Munich but that the psychs and herself did not allow him to see me. (Larry, if you read this, thanks. Nobody told me ever that you were there and tried to get me out. If you would have succeeded to get inside the closed ward, you would have found that I what I described in the former installments of this series.)
RB wrote to me that Larry tried to hypnotize her in that institution just by looking at her. LOL, this is so typically RB. She works together with psychs, those that indeed hypnotize but when she runs in a Scientologist, who just looks at her and is against hypnosis, she feels hypnotized. Everything about RB is twisted.
She wrote that an old psych with name Prof. Kugler made the decision to not allow Larry Forsgren access to see me. Note, that Kugler never came to see me. He made that decision for a "patient" he never consulted. How "professional"!
However, psych Kapfhammer was there, who had seen me several times. He also denied Larry to see me, despite that he knew that many other people came to see me and that there was no reason to deny Larry to get in. Kapfhammer knew that the purpose of me being committed in the nuthouse was only to "deprogram" me, to depersonalize me from Scientology. The psychs never turned any of the anti-Scientologists, the Scientology attackers away, that came to bother me, and they came against my wish! (As already mentioned the appeal court that cancelled my guardianship admitted that my stay in that institution and the guardianship was for the purpose to strip me of my religion Scientology.)
By the way, I became more a Scientologists than less in that psychiatric institution because I saw with my very own eyes how right Ron was about the psychs, how nuts they are, how rotten their "treatments" are, how dishonest they are, and that they don't heal anybody but just made the people inside crazier. The worst what they could have done was to lock me in there to become an eyewitness to their insanity and their unprofessionalism.
RB wrote that Larry's eyes followed her through her dreams and that she awoke screaming that night and very afraid in her bed despite that Larry was miles away. She called her also nutty and fanatical friend Beneken in German town Essen for help. I wonder why she did not call the psychs. But I think I know why. She never wants to end up in such an institution herself, she knows how terrible it is inside, however, it was good enough for me to be in thanks to her and her co-conspiring German government.
Her nightmares must result out of her bad conscience. (Thanks, Larry, for looking at her. She really deserved at least that, some nightmares for what she did to me. I'll ask her if she still dreams of you, I sure hope so.)
There you have it again, RB is the nutscase and the psychs did let her go, but locked me up and forcefully mistreated me, despite nothing was wrong with me, except that they did not like my religion Scientology and my views.
There is something like the "Munchhausens"-disease, that is for example a parent, e.g. a "mother" that makes or declares "her child" sick to get attention from others, for example medical doctors. Psychiatry hurts, so it is better if she doesn't feel the pain, but the "child" does. She really enjoyed getting attentions of the psychs and how they danced around her for thanks having worked together with them to get me committed. They tried to make an enemy of L. Ron Hubbard, of Scientology, of Marty and of true Scientologists out of me, while they also hushed up that Scientology is infiltrated. They are all deaf as to that possibility, which is very revealing. They tried to depersonalize me, to "degrogam" me, despite I was not running on any program, to use me to close Scientology in Germany down and to forbid the religion. But I saw the craziness of the psychs and the German government, so they did not get anywhere with me. I just was sitting my time out there till they had to let me go.
Kapfhammer even told me that RB is crazy, but he did not lock her up, because the crazy people are allowed to roam freely through the streets to cause more harm, the psychs are just interested to lock those up that are peaceful like me and don't cause harm to anybody.
In that letter from RB that I just received, she admitted first time to me that she was in Narconon in Moosrain, Tegernsee, Germany in 1984 and met Horst Niesel, the CO. She wrote that he told her that he would be no Scientologist. She claimed it was a lie by him, I say, he finally said the truth. He really was no Scientologist, he was a criminal infiltrator, who did for Narconon as bad as he could.
RB also mentioned that she saw a medical doctor in Miesbach. His name was von Parish, who called Niesel and Angelika Thumser in Narconon that she would be on her way to search me. This "Narconon" doctor should have observed that RB is nuts and not assisted her in any way to see me. RB mentioned that this doctor worked together with Pfarrer Haack and the rotten judge Schaeffer from Amtsgericht Munich.
RB wrote that Juergen Schwarz was ordered to transport me out of Narconon and bring me to her flat. That is not what had happened. Horst Niesel must have received the call from the doctor that RB is on her way to Narconon. Instead of telling me, he kicked me out and lied that I would snoop in his desk. Juergen Schwarz was not present. He must have received noticed and hid somewhere to avoid meeting RB.
I left Naconon on my own. After a homeless night in Moosrain, I took the train to Munich, because had no other place to go. When I arrived Lotte Lange-Werner, RB's cousin was there. She was calm, but RB looked hypnotized, implanted and completely crazy to me. She looked like a pitch bull ready to attack everybody, including me.
In that letter that I received now, RB mentioned a psychiatrist that she saw in Southfield, Michigan. His name is Dr. William Nagler and RB must have seen him in the late 80's. He apparently was recommended by her partner in crime, Reginald Alev. Psych Nagler must have written a favorable expertise on RB, despite that he must have seen how insane she is. She tried to use that expertise in a German court as defense for having kidnapped me in Herrsching with Cyril Vosper and two other criminals, and that this was the right thing to do, despite it got her and them nowhere than in troubles.
Read also sequel no: 59 with more new information.
Barbara Schwarz Feb.25, 2003
From: BarbaraSchwarz2222@hotmail.com (BarbaraSchwarz)
Subject: Part 59: Barbara Schwarz reveals shocking news!
Date: 26 Feb 2003 08:57:49 -0800
Message-ID: <a6bc00a0.0302260857.6ad61b62@posting.google.com>
Rosemarie Bretschneider ("RB") sent me a few days ago a copy of a typewritten "report", dated May 17, 1986. It is in German language and titled: "Tips for hypnosis-regression." In other words, the odd woman made events up and was looking for psychiatrists or hypnotists to hypnotize me according to the events she fabricated.
It also shows her double moral. She was afraid of hypnosis, she even feared to look in the eyes of Larry Forsgren, a Scientologist who was no hypnotist and got psychotic just thinking of him. But she would allow that all to happen to me in a heartbeat and even actively pushed it. She is such a hypocrite. I never forgive the Germans and their international co-conspirators having handed me to that crazy unmotherly woman as child.
I don't know to who she mailed that report, but as I know her and her anti-scientological fanatism, it was mailed and handed to lots of people and ended up in lots of files.
She claimed that Heber Jentzsch interrogated me in military cross-fire style. Fact is, I never mentioned Heber's name to RB. He never interrogated me, I never had any unfriendly encounter with him, and I never saw him acting unprofessional.
She claimed that a dwarf (Liliputaner) cut off my hair to penalize me. Fact is, lol, I never met a dwarf in all of my life. I just know them from TV, and that must be the place where RB gets her inspiration. I had my hair cut by a professional hairdresser in Los Angeles, a non-Scientologist, an Asian woman, who was no dwarf. Really, as if I would be not strong enough to get a dwarf out of my hair!
She claimed that I was objected to emotional cruelties. Fact is, that she never bothered to mention in that "report" what kind of cruelties those were and who should have committed them.
She claimed that I had a big blood spot on my yellow blouse when I returned from L.A. in 1984. Fact is, I did not wear any yellow blouse. I don't like yellow much, it is Rosemarie's favorite color. I posted before that RB had brought my clothes that I had with me in L.A. to the German district attorney Keltsch for an examination in his crime lab. He told me that they found nothing on those clothes that pointed to a crime. She knew that too, but nevertheless wrote reports to others that there was a bloody blouse. When I picked up my clothes in the office of the District Attorney, I noticed that right on top of the stack were two huge large brown bras. Those were not mine and they were not with me in L.A. Those were RB's bras and the confused woman had mixed them together with my clothes for the crime lab investigation!
She claimed that somebody in Los Angeles knocked me unconscious and threw me in the Pacific. She did not mention who did this. Fact is, once again, lol. I just wonder how I got out of there. How come I did not drown unconscioulsy in the Pacific? RB made it up.
She claimed that my Jeans were wet and full with sand when I returned from L.A. Fact is: The first thing the crazy woman did after I returned from L.A. was to spy through my clothes in hope to find something that would fit in her anti-scientological hate, something to blow out of proportions, which she did. However, she was right that my clothes were wet and full of sand because somebody in the house of the Swiss/American very non-scientological couple in which I spent my last night in Los Angeles, had poured sand and water in my luggage.
She claimed that I never could find sleep in L.A. and was constantly artificially stopped from going to sleep. Fact is: That is not true either. Most of the time I slept just fine in L.A.; I was disturbed just a few times by others, which I described in former installments of this series. However, it was RB who woke me up in middle of the sleep trying to "deprogram" me from SCN, till I could not handle it anymore and left to Copenhagen. She accuses others of what she herself did.
She claimed that Hayden James chased me hours around a tree and a car. Fact is: James is a criminal infiltrator, he is no Scientologist and he deliberately wrongfully assigned me to the DPF in 1984. However, it was not him who chased me around a tree or a car. I never was chased around a tree, but I was chased around a German car by another Scientology infiltrator, and that not for hours.
She claimed that I had to go hungry. Fact is, there was enough food in L.A. I put myself on a diet and stopped when I had my ideal weight. I felt better physically in L.A. than I did in Germany.
She claimed that all foregoing happened from February 4, 1984 through March 1, 1984.
Read in sequel no. 60 what else she fabricated to assist psychs and the German government to get their hands on me. It is incomprehensible that the psychs don't lock her up or even give her a clean bill of mental health. 90 % of her events are pure fabrication, other 10 % are so twisted that they also read as if they would be lies.
Barbara Schwarz, February 26, 2003
From: BarbaraSchwarz2222@hotmail.com (BarbaraSchwarz)
Subject: Part 60: Barbara Schwarz reveals shocking news!
Date: 27 Feb 2003 09:01:19 -0800
Message-ID: <a6bc00a0.0302270901.48bdefc2@posting.google.com>
In her "tips for hypnosis regression", dated May 17, 1986, Rosemarie Bretschneider ("RB"), the crazy past life psych (what else could she have been?)claimed that following has happened to me after March 1, 1984 in the C of S International in Los Angeles:
That I received forceful drug-pain-hypnosis and electroshocks by Scientologists. Fact is: Nobody in the orgs, not even the criminal infiltrators e-shocked me or gave me a drug-pain-hypnosis. Psychiatrists do that, Scientology is against that. RB confused Scientology with Psychiatry.
RB claimed that I got injections and that there was "smoking". She did not explain what kind of injections or what kind of smoking. Fact is: I got no injection from anybody in Los Angeles at any time. I was once with a licensed medical doctor in L.A. who drawed some blood, but that was the only needle that was sticked in me. I gave up cigarette smoking in Los Angeles in 1984. I never smoked any drugs and she knows that very well.
RB claimed that I was "implanted" in 1984 by Scientologists in L.A. Fact is: Psychiatry implants people to alter reality. Scientology is against it. Nobody implanted me in the orgs. The criminal infiltrators also didn't implant in the orgs. They behaved nasty and kicked me out to assist psychs to get hold of me, so that they can do the implanting or any other rotten activities.
RB claimed that I was asleep for days. Fact is: That is contrary to the part in the same report in which she wrote that I was constantly artificially disturbed going to sleep. I slept at night, was awake during the day, just like everybody else.
RB claimed that "they" tried five days in a row to get me at the phone in L.A. but that Barbara Ellington told them that I can't be not disturbed, I would sleep and only the doctor would know what's wrong with me. Fact is: This appears to be true. This was also confirmed by my sister Ulrike. However, Ellington lied. I was not asleep, I was held in a wrongful isolation to be "deprogrammed" from Scientology by criminal Scientology infiltrators. There was no doctor who ever came to see me and everybody knew that I was not sick, neither mentally nor physically. It would have been a piece of cake to get me to the phone, but she did not get me to deliberately create a PTS situation for me so that I am being kicked out of the Sea Org.
RB claimed that Edith Buechele was very evil and kept me captive. Fact is: Edith Buechele was in Los Angeles during the time I was there, but she did not held me captive, and I had as good as no contact with her.
RB claimed that I was held captive in a basement room by Swiss people. Fact is: Barbara Ellington asked me to move in a dark basement room, but I refused to move in there. Then she arranged that I should stay with friends of her, very non-scientological people, in their Swiss/American household. I did not sleep in the basement of this house, but in a regular room.
RB claimed that after that I got new implants and cold-water-shocks. Fact is: RB is very confused and made that also up. Nobody in the orgs, not even the criminal infiltrators implanted or cold-water-shocked me at any time in any org.
RB claimed that Gerda Spittel and Barbara Ellington gave me Valium. Fact is: Ellington did not, but Spittel brought me vitamins and she had mixed a Valium inside to drug me. (BTW: RB swallowed Valium for many years on a daily basis.)
RB claimed that Juergen Schwarz said that I can't be transported from L.A. to Germany because too sick, but after RB threatened the orgs with Interpol, he got a telex that two doctors would bring me. Fact is: I don't know what Juergen said exactly, but it looks to me that he forwarded a lie by Ellington or somebody else of the SU. I was not sick at all, I could have gone anywhere and there were no doctors with me, just Gunhild and Jeff. It must be true that RB threatened with Interpol. (Hey, thanks everybody involved for creating that situation for me and thanks for all the despicable actions that you did behind my back. It will haunt you.)
RB claimed that my skin was red-yellow-brown, very evenly without stripes. Fact is: I think she dishonestly tries to paint a picture that I got drugs that made my skin like that or that I run around naked in L.A. - I was suntanned, but only my face, arms and legs. She never saw any other parts of my body, neither did my sister. I am a dark type. I don't get red in the sun, I get brown. I also don't get yellow.
RB claimed that Juergen Schwarz returned me to her and my sister and started the divorce proceedings because I was under drug hypnosis. Fact is: I returned to Munich on my own, after Horst Niesel kicked me out. Juergen did not want any divorce, I wanted it. He also knew that I was not under drug-hypnosis nor crazy.
RB claimed that I had suffered under "crazy" withdrawal, shivering, circulatory disorders and change in weight. Fact is: RB made also that up. I never took drugs, there was no withdrawal. I had no circulatory disorders and if I shivered, than just because I had to look in RB's nutty and fanatical face. It is true that I lost some weight, but it was no drastical weightloss, and it was on purpose.
RB claimed that Jeff Jerwell and Gunhild Grogg showed up in actions later in Copenhagen. Fact is: I never saw Jeff or Gunhild again after they left Narconon in Moosrain.
I wonder that she did not claim that anybody, e.g. the dwarf, raped me, after he cut off my hair and made a rope out of my hair and dangled me out of the 10th floor out of a window. She mixed Scientologists up with the Indians. They scalped and didn't rape, right?
Read in installment 61 what she claimed about Sea Org in Copenhagen.
Barbara Schwarz, February 27, 2003
From: BarbaraSchwarz2222@hotmail.com (BarbaraSchwarz)
Subject: Part 61: Barbara Schwarz reveals shocking news!
Date: 28 Feb 2003 11:12:41 -0800
Message-ID: <a6bc00a0.0302281112.7f4c530b@posting.google.com>
In her "tips for hypnosis-regression" in which Rosemarie Bretschneider ("RB")told psychiatrists on May 17, 1986 what to do with my mind.
She claimed that I was in an especially "gruesome fear-psychosis". (Whatever that is.)She wrote that I would have said that FOLO EO staffmember Evelin Jacquelin, Riccardo Del Grosso and Francesco Mannara would be especially gruesome people. Fact is: I never discussed those or other people that I met in Scientology with RB. As she is so fanatical, I never could and still can't open up to her, because whatever data she receives, she takes it and twists it around to make a completely new version of events that fit in her German originated anti-Scientology hatred. She is not interested in facts, she just want to get her hate messages out.
Those above mentioned three people however were no Scientologists. They were co-conspirators of Birgitta Harrington, Dagnell, Rinkquist in kicking me out of the Sea Org. They were criminal infiltrators. I mentioned however several times to RB that Scientology is infiltrated and that many people in the orgs are no Scientologists, they just say they are, but their activities would show that they have an order to destroy the religion and get Scientology a bad reputation, but she dismisses that immediately, without being able to discuss why that would be not possible.
RB claimed that I lived 6-7 weeks in the main FOLO EU Building, first floor, right hand, in 1984, and that I was gruesomely tortured, electroshocked and implanted there. That FOLO EU staff wanted to kill me and to make me insane so that I have to spend the rest of my life in a mental institution. Fact is: I never lived in the FOLO EU building. I lived in a rented room in a house at Solkrogen 3 in Copenhagen in 1984. RB knew that very well, because she one day showed up there.
She must have the odd idea that the Sea Orgs look like psychiatric institutions with electro-shockers, other torture machines, implant equipment, injection needles and drugs lying in each corner. I wasn't tortured, nor electro-shocked, nor implanted, nor injected by anybody within the Scientology orgs, neither in FOLO EU. However, I was conspiratively kicked out by Birgitta, supported by the other European gang, Eveline, Riccardo and Francesco. They apparently coordinated their illegal actions against me with those criminal infiltrators of SCN INT and also the INT Justice Chief, who, if I recall correctly, was Paul, another French guy, another criminal infiltrator, who's justice is same injust as the justice of so many wog-judges.
Birgitta can call herself lucky that RB has not yet realized that it was Birgitta who denied my rights. If she would know that, she would file one penal complaint after the other against her, accusing her of having done the gruesome work that psychiatrists do, as mentioned above.
Fact is: RB doesn't stick to the truth as I do. Actually, it was Birgitta who signed me up to do the Product Zero in 1984 in FOLO EU. However, only a while later, after her case officer channelled her that it is time for me to leave Scientology forever because I am in the way of the infiltrators, she came and told me I have no right to be in Scientology and have to leave.
RB claimed that I was also held in Narconon Germany against my will. Fact is: That is not true either. My problem in the orgs were not that I was held against my will, it was that I was kicked out against my will.
RB claimed that somebody of Scientology "handled me away from her". Fact is: Nobody did. There was a broad agreement within the criminal Scientology infiltrators, that I have an own mind, that I don't stick to orders that make no sense, that I am difficut to be controlled, and that I have to leave Scientology because I come in the way of the infiltration. The interesting point is however, that true Scientologists had no problems whatsoever working together with me and rather enjoyed it.
It was RB's controlling suppressive character, her knowing everything better than I do, her trying to rule every aspect of my life and finding nothing odd with that, which made me leave her.
RB claimed that Munich district attorney Keltsch had an agent (Mittelsmann) who helped him to get me out of Copenhagen in 1984 in a police action. Fact is: That indeed happened and another word for this action is kidnapping and criminal abduction. Keltsch avoided to file an official extradition request to the Danish government and violated international laws.
I was very much so harassed, abused and tortured by the German authorities and later the psychs. It was much much worse what happened to me in the "care" of the German government than what happened to me in any Scientology org. (See details hereto in my former installments of this posted series.)
I'll sure try to find out who the criminal "Mittelsman" of Keltsch was. They filed deliberately no extradition request, because they knew that there wasn't anything they had to officially get me out of Copenhagen, so they had to do that all illegally and criminally. Germany has such a criminal government.
Read in installment 62: RB's list to psychs and government of who she found to be evil Scientologists, despite that she never met most of them in person.
Barbara Schwarz, February 28, 2003
From: BarbaraSchwarz2222@hotmail.com (BarbaraSchwarz)
Subject: Re: Barbara Schwarz - $cientology Brainwash Victim!
Date: 28 Feb 2003 12:15:21 -0800
Message-ID: <a6bc00a0.0302281215.4238ce@posting.google.com>
lcs Mixmaster Remailer <mix@anon.lcs.mit.edu> wrote in message news:<20030228004019.4542.qmail@nym.alias.net>...
> Obviously, this cult drives some people crazy - read the following and see what a
> mind-fucking scam it REALLY is.
> THE STORY OF XENU - from a "Secret Scripture" of Scientology:
> Once upon a time, 75 million years ago, there was an alien galactic ruler named
> Xenu. Xenu was in charge of all the planets in this part of the galaxy, including
> Earth, which in those days was called Teegeeack.
> Xenu had a problem. All 76 planets of the Galactic Confederation he controlled
> were overpopulated. Each planet had on average 178 billion people. He wanted to
> get rid of this overpopulation, and he had a plan.
> With the help of renegades, Xenu defeated his opponents, the good people and
> their Loyal Officers. Then with the help of psychiatrists and the media he
> persuaded billions of people to come in for income tax audits. They were instead
> injected in the lungs with alcohol and glycol to paralyze them. Then they were
> put into spaceships that looked exactly like DC9 airplanes, except they had
> rocket engines instead of propellers.
> These space planes then flew to planet Earth where the hundreds of billions of
> paralyzed people were stacked around the bases of volcanoes. H-bombs were lowered
> into the volcanoes, and Xenu detonated all the H-bombs at once, killing everyone.
> The story doesn't end there though. Since everyone has a soul, Xenu had to make
> sure the souls would not come back and seek vengeance. So while the hundreds of
> billions of souls were being blown around by the nuclear winds, he used special
> traps that caught them in electronic beams that were sticky like fly-paper. Force-
> fields then packaged the souls into "clusters." This all took place in Hawaii and
> Las Palmas in the Canary Islands.
> Xenu had these soul clusters packed into boxes and taken to some huge cinemas to
> brainwash, or hypnotically "implant" them. They were forced to spend 36 days
> watching 3D motion pictures of traumatic, horrific things like torture,
> dissection, and crucifixion. They were subject to sexual perversion, motion
> sickness, auto accidents, and other horrors. They were also shown false pictures
> and told they were God, Christ, and Satan, all as part of Xenu's plan to render
> them helpless and prevent their return.
> After the implanting, the soul clusters remained stuck together in groups of a
> few thousand, as the implanting had confused their sense of individual identity.
> There were only a few living bodies left on Earth, and the clusters inhabited
> these bodies like parasitic demons.
> As for Xenu, the Loyal Officers finally overthrew him and imprisoned him in a
> mountaintop on Earth. He is kept there by a force-field powered by an eternal
> battery, and is still alive today.
> And so today everyone on Earth is possessed by clusters of souls called "body
> thetans." And if you are to become spiritually free, you must exorcise all the
> body thetans inhabiting you, and pay many thousands of dollars to do so. And the
> only reason people believe in God and Christ is because they were in the implant
> film their body thetans saw 75 million years ago.
> What do you think of this story?
> What? You think it's ridiculous? Really bad science fiction? Right - it was
> written by L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction writer. He was quoted by a publisher
> as saying "Writing is too much of a struggle. The way to really make money is to
> start your own religion."
> We think this story is ridiculous too. But it is taken very seriously as a core
> belief in Scientology,* the "religion" founded by Hubbard. If people knew this,
> most would never get involved in it. They tell you this story only when you reach
> Scientology's "secret" upper level called OT III or "The Wall of Fire" after
> Xenu's H-bomb holocaust. After that you are supposed to telepathically
> communicate with these body thetans to make them go away. To do this you must pay
> many thousands of dollars, or you have to work very hard in their autocratic
> organization on extremely low pay for many years. If you do not believe this
> story you cannot do OT III or the levels above it, which also involve body thetan
> exorcism.
> We are telling you this as a WARNING. If you become involved with Scientology
> (aka. Dianetics*), you should do so with your eyes open and fully aware of the
> sort of material it contains. The lower level materials may seem beneficial, but
> are designed to ensnare you so you will obediently do as they tell you, give them
> your money, and accept without question such absurdities as this Xenu story.
> Most of the Scientologists that work in their so-called "Churches" do not know
> about this story. They are forbidden to hear it until they reach the secret OT
> III level, which takes many years. Most people leave in disillusionment before
> that, regretting they ever got involved. Those that do know the story are forced
> to keep it secret from outsiders and those they manipulate into joining
> Scientology.
> Now that you know their big secret, would you want to join this "Church?"
> PS: Geologists, paleontologists, and other researchers have not been able to find
> a single trace of intelligent life on Earth 75 million years ago, nor evidence of
> H-bombing, nor of the existence at that time of the specific islands and
> volcanoes mentioned by Hubbard in the Xenu story. This information is at
> http://www.xs4all.nl/~kspaink/cos/comments/volcanos.html
> listed below. They reveal and document the hypocrisy, greed, unscrupulous
> practices, and serious crimes of this "Church." You will learn more about their
> techniques of mind control and subjugation - the use of personal secrets confided
> in counseling for intimidation and blackmail - the exploitation of staff - abuse
> and slavery in their "RPF" - brutal and degrading punishments - the big ripoff of
> Missionholders by Hubbard's "Finance Dictator" and "Finance Police" - harassment
> and terror tactics against dissenters - Hubbard's tall tales, false claims and
> con games - imprisonment, abductions, suicides, and unexplained deaths - criminal
> conspiracies - and much more.
> L. RON HUBBARD: MESSIAH OR MADMAN? - Bent Corydon & L. Ron Hubbard Jr.
> THE BARE-FACED MESSIAH - Russell Miller.
> A PIECE OF BLUE SKY - Jon Atack.
> THE SCANDAL OF SCIENTOLOGY - Paulette Cooper. For writing this book, the author
> was harassed, terrorized, and framed by a Scientology criminal conspiracy.
> RELIGION, INC. - Stewart Lamont.
> THE MIND BENDERS - Cyril Vosper.
> THE ROAD TO XENU - Margery Wakefield. Available from Coalition, PO Box 290402,
> Tampa, FL 33687, or FACTNet, 601 16 St. #C-217, Golden, CO 80401.
> INSIDE SCIENTOLOGY - Robert Kaufman.
> SCIENTOLOGY: THE CULT OF GREED - Time Magazine, May 6, 1991.
> SCIENTOLOGY: THE SICKNESS SPREADS - Reader's Digest, Sept. 1981.
> PROUD MARY: George Magazine, August 1999. Illustrates how Scientology infiltrates
> and manipulates our government.
> http://www.xenu.net
> http://www.scientology-kills.org
> http://www.scientology-lies.com
> http://www.entheta.org
> http://www.lisamcpherson.org
> http://www.factnet.org/Scientology
> www.xenuTV.com
> www.users.wineasy.se/noname/multimed
> http://www.infoman.demon.co.uk/cicmain.html
> http://www.shassan.com
> http://www.xs4all.nl/~kspaink/cos/comments/volcanos.html
> Follow the links to more websites.
> Also see the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology, which this "church" continually
> tries to suppress.
> SCIENTOLOGY FRONT GROUPS - all pose as altruistic, usually concealing their
> Scientology ties: Narconon, Criminon, Earthlink, ABLE International, WISE,
> Applied Scholastics, Apple and Delphian Schools, The Way to Happiness, Citizen's
> Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), Sterling Management, Concerned Businessmen's
> Association of America, Singer Consultants, HealthMed, World Literacy Crusade,
> Dignity For The Aged, Ebony Awakening, Citizens Rescuing Youth (CRY), IHELP, Cult
> Awareness Network (CAN) - see below.
> AMERICAN FAMILY FOUNDATION, PO Box 2265, Bonita Springs, FL 34133. Website:
> <http://www.csj.org>
> CULT INFORMATION SERVICE, PO Box 867, Teaneck, NJ 07666. The Cult Awareness
> Network, formerly the name used by this group, IS NOW A SCIENTOLOGY FRONT.
> <http://www.infoman.demon.co.uk/cicmain.html>
> This document is not copyrighted. Reproduce and distribute it as you wish.
What is the matter with you putting my name again in the ARS
headlines? Don't you know? The still existing Nazi secret service has
ordered all mindcontrollers/case officer to not to reply to any of my
postings and to hush me up, so that I go away.
To tell you the truth, I like that idea. I get my messages out, and you guys all shut up. Why don't you keep it that way? What is matter with your case officer? Was he unconscious when that order was channelled to everyone? Or were you unconcious or drunk when he ordered that to you?
Anyway, I tell you again, that OT 3, as so many other Scientology writings were altered by criminal infiltrators of Scientology. Almost nothing is anymore original L. Ron Hubbard data. L. Ron Hubbard's body thetans were no space aliens, but mindcontrollers, people with a body, just like you have one, who not only channel audible orders, but also inaudible orders, through the ear implants of people, in other words implant them. And they do also other despicable things.
In other words: Xenu is not just one guy, but many. They also still live and still rule and still run and implant people. The Xenu story above is the altered version of infiltrators that try to make SCN and L. Ron Hubbard ridiculous and try to get attention of people away that those xenu-like creatures indeed still do their evil deeds, which they do. Got it finally?
If there is somebody brainwashed, than it is you, somebody unable to understand that the infiltration of SCN is real or too dishonest to admit it.
The list of socalled experts on Scientology that you listed makes my stomach turn around. They are lawless conspirative liars that cover the infiltration up. Give my regards to kidnapper Cyrill Vosper. Did he try to bent my mind. I am not done with him yet. I did not get justice in still existing Nazi Germany, but I will get it one day.
No socalled Scientology critic will be ever taken seriously by sane people if he or she covers up the secret infiltration of Scientology by criminal non-Scientologists. It's a fact. I saw it with my own eyes over and over. Face it.
Barbara Schwarz
From: BarbaraSchwarz2222@hotmail.com (BarbaraSchwarz)
Subject: Re: Part 61: Barbara Schwarz reveals shocking news!
Date: 1 Mar 2003 08:17:02 -0800
Message-ID: <a6bc00a0.0303010817.416d271c@posting.google.com>
"Andrew Robertson" <adr@paradise.net.nz> wrote in message news:<3e600e6c@news2.lightlink.com>...
> <anonymous@anonymous.poster.comm> wrote in message
> news:b3offp0sd@drn.newsguy.com...
> > In article <a6bc00a0.0302281112.7f4c530b@posting.google.com>,
> > BarbaraSchwarz2222@hotmail.com says...
> > >
> > >They were criminal infiltrators. I mentioned however several times
> > >to RB that Scientology is infiltrated and that many people in the
> orgs
> > >are no Scientologists, they just say they are, but their activities
> > >would show that they have an order to destroy the religion and get
> > >Scientology a bad reputation
> > >
> > >Barbara Schwarz,
> > >February 28, 2003
> >
> > why is Scientolgy not able to weed out the infiltrators? It must be
> Scientology
> > tech is junk & e-meters are also too worthless as to work at all.
> Right.
> >
> Not necessarily, if the infiltration is at a sufficiently high level
> within the organisation. And anyone with the sentience of a woodlouse
> can learn to control a Wheatstone bridge.
> Perhaps a review of Martin Ottmann's recent SP Declare postings might
> convince you that the Church of Scientology has not always been kind to
> its most dedicated followers. In real life it's called 'office
> politics', alternatively, 'scum rises to the top'.
> Andrew
It's not the tech (although altered by the infiltrators and less
effective than original L. Ron Hubbard technology) or the e-meters,
that don't work. The auditors, the people that give the sec check to
other infiltrators are the problem.
One infiltrator sec checks the other infiltrator. There are for example the questions: "Are you an Anti-Scientologist?"; "Are you an agent?"; "Were you sent in the organization to destroy Scientology?" The e-meter will show that the person questioned indeed is an Anti-Scientologist, an agent and sent in the orgs to destroy but the other infiltrator, the auditor, will write wrong meter readings in his papers. This is how they come away, despite of several past attempts to get infiltrators out.
The auditor that wrote the wrong meter findings will be sec checked by another infiltrator. On the meter question: "Did you ever falsify auditor reports?" the infiltrator auditor will not have a floating needle at the e-meter. Neither to the question if he is an infiltrator, but another infiltrator will cover his behind and also falsify the reports and will report that this guy is clean. That is how they manage to stay in the orgs. That is what is going on. I know what I am talking about.
Barbara Schwarz
From: BarbaraSchwarz2222@hotmail.com (BarbaraSchwarz)
Subject: Part 62: Barbara Schwarz reveals shocking news!
Date: 1 Mar 2003 09:20:47 -0800
Message-ID: <a6bc00a0.0303010920.3da13b0c@posting.google.com>
Rosemarie Bretschneider ("RB") cited in her list to psychs and authorities in the addition to those people mentioned in the last four installments of this series, following names of socalled very evil Scientologists: Alan Hubbart, Dieter Kaffzik, Juergen Kolb, Ivonne Martinez, Inge Anderson, Gabi Belli and Nabub, an Indian.
As to who was evil and who was not read my former postings in this series parts 1-62. Those listed above were Scientology infiltrators, but they worked conspirative together kicking me out of Scientology. Nobody did hurt me physically as RB tries to imply. Worst of the list is the German soldier and non-Scientologist Dieter Kaffzik. I wrote about him in detail in my former postings.
My favorite of RB's bad guys is however the rotten dwarf, who was after my hair. That guy doesn't exist. RB made him up as she made so much up. (Lol, she did not mean David Miscavige, didn't she? He is not that short. And he did not cut my long hair either.)
In her May 17, 1986 report to the psychs and authorities, RB did not mention the name of Mark C. Rathbun or Marty Rathbun, because she did not know of his existance. She would have added the names of the members of U.S. Congress to her list of evil Scientologists, if somebody would have given her the list and told her they would be Scientologists. She would have added any name without going to the trouble to find out who they are and if they really did me any harm or not. And she would not listen to me, she knew just everything better.
However, I am a hundred percent sure that the German government framed Marty already in 1984, claiming he did all kinds of gruesome things to me, tortured me, raped me, murdered me; and that they used RB's name and also my siblings names for their Nazi case against him and that she and my siblings don't know that.
RB found out about Marty's name years later, and there is no doubt that she framed him then behind my back. After I noticed that she knew his name I told her over and over that he is innocent, that he never did any harm to me, that he was the perfect gentleman, but from her hate filled face and answers I had no problems to read that she framed also him.
I told her that she can't know my life better than I am, that she has to listen to me, that she should get out of my life and get one on her own. But the German-anti-Scientology-war-machine doesn't work that way. RB read so much of hatred by the Scientology attackers and psychs that she is nuts as far as SCN is concerned. She doesn't make any difference at all. She doesn't want to know the truth. It doesn't make sence to her that she was not even present when I was in Los Angeles or in other places of the world. Her attitude is: I-know-best-and-you-have-nothing-to-say-and-I-finally-got-some-attention-of-others-when-I-attack-Scientology".
Something else stoke me odd in RB's report to the psychs and authorities. There is no mention about her own daemons. She heard voices, saw pictures from other dimensions, even a monster (not Larry Forsgren's eye, a real one) in her living room, and that a ghost or the devil pulled her coat. I am not declaring her insane because of those encounters. After all, I am not a rotten psych. I know that there are techniques that make people see and hear that, but they are man-made. RB can't see that. She can't explain that. She uses those encounters to justify to run after me and control me. In her mind those encounters came either from God, Jesus or from Satan. (From the last when the encounter scared her, from God, when the encounters dictated to attack SCN or run after me.)
What's so despicable about RB is that she is concealing her own issues before the psychs and authorities because afraid of ending up in their hands. But on the other hand she delivers me to them, despite I did not have those encounters and on top of that she even fabricates outrageous stories and works with the psychs and authorities to get my life ruined.
I remember that she once visited me in the Munich institution in 1984 and she stupidly ginned all over her face. She said: "Isn't it great that you are institutionalized? Now you can say to anybody what you think about them, without being afraid to be institutionalized, because you are already institutionalized!"
Yes, this is RB, the woman that the German authorities and psychs did not lock up, they rather took me, the one that was not crazy.
As a sum: Anybody who listens to RB and works with her knows that she is not logical and not made out of sane material. The Germans knew it, nevertheless they used her against Marty Rathbun, to frame the innocent.
Barbara Schwarz, March 1, 2003
From: BarbaraSchwarz2222@hotmail.com (BarbaraSchwarz)
Subject: About the Kennewick man
Date: 3 Mar 2003 09:01:31 -0800
Message-ID: <a6bc00a0.0303030901.619312ae@posting.google.com>
I have a message for those that post that L. Ron Hubbard would be no serious scientist since he often claimed contrary data about science and history as other people claimed.
Well, beloved friends and dearest enemies, that's is because other people and also scientists are eithter idiots, bribed or asleep.
Don't forget those scientists have case officers/mindcontrollers that helped them cheat through highschool, college, university, and they are no independent thinkers. A German secret service, consisting mainly out of crazed psychiatrists are having the overall control over that system and if they want certain scientifical or historical data about the universe and the earth covered up, they tell their agents, in this case the finders of the data, the authorities, the scientists to shut up, to conceal the information and the rest of the population stays uninformed.
I came in contact with so many international people with university decrees and so many were outrageous liars and also stupid. Rosemarie Bretschneider is a person that believes that an university decree equals a good character. That's why she fell in so many traps and was so often mislead and betrayed.
If you think that history is recorded accurately, that people back then that made the recordings didn't know how to lie like people today, you need to work on your IQ.
Sometimes there is some evidence that history is wrongfully recorded. (However, as far as wars and battles are concerned rather assume that there were more than fewer!)
Take for example the Kennewick man. Did you hear of him? In July 1996 human skeletal remains were found alongside the Columbia River in Kennewick, Washington. Some believe that he has lived in the USA 9,200 years ago, to age 45 and was wounded by a stone projectile.
The Indians want to bury those remains without scientifical examination but scientists say, he ain't an Indian, which means history isn't recorded properly and Indians were not the first people that lived in the United States. The skeleton is complete and in very good condition. They made a clay image of him. According to that he looks a lot like Captain Pickard of the Enterprise. (Perhaps the Kennewick is no European but an alien? That could be also possible.) Seriously, the skull of that ancient man looks a lot different than the skull of an Indian.
Is is said that the Indians want to bury the Kennewick man, nevertheless because they fear that if it would be determined that Indians were not the first on America's soil that privileges could be taken away from them. - I would not want that anything is taken away from the Indians but trying to prevent a scientifical examination on a man who's bones don't look like those of an Indian at all, goes a little bit too far. The examination of those bones could reveal that history, at least a part of it, is not properly recorded.
If you think that only the Indians have an interest in boycotting further scientifical examinations of the Kennewick man and of the site in which he was found, you are mistaken. And here it comes: Corruption to conceal investigation in the history of the United States came from a former enemy of the Indians, the U.S.Army, in this case the Corps of Engineers(CE).
In August 30, 1996, four days after it became evident that the Kennewick man is no Indian, the corrupt German Nazi controlled Army CE insisted all studies on the man to be ended, took possession of the skeleton to hand it over to the five Indian tribes that claimed the remains, despite the man was evidently no Indian and despite that even Congress requested scientifical study of the remains.
However, archaeologists and physical anthropologists and other groups filed a suit and that is why Kennewick man is resting in a vault till a court, that is master in delaying, decides.
But that is not all what the German controlled Army CE did. (I have personal experience with the Army CE. The employees that I had contract with are very corrupt, conspirative and very Anti-American.) The Army CE, conspiratively with the tribes and ordered secretly by the a German Nazi secret service, dumped tons and tons of dirt on the site on which Kennewick man was found, to prevent any further search by scientists. Many suspect that the Army burried an entire village with that arbitrary action, a village that could shed a completely different light on history, findings that go hand in hand with other findings in Nevada that there is much more to earth history as recorded sofar.
For me it's clear what's going on: History is not accurately recorded, some people know about it and cover it actively up by all means. I am sure it happened all over the world and often did not make those big waves as with the Kennewick man.
Before you post angrily that L. Ron Hubbard was no scientist since he sometimes claimed something different as you learned in your history class, think again and rather consider that your school books might not reflect how it really was in the past and that there is so much more to it.
I've to go. I have some digging to do...
Barbara Schwarz, March 3, 2003