The seized files were illegal.
Belgian scientologist have been badly advised, for sure.
Since 1999, thousands of personal files had been seized in 25 raids from belgian justice for a fraud trial.
The cult did not hesitate to start many proceedings so as to get them back.
Some members asked to get them back personnaly. At the same time, the cult wanted to recuperate them entirely, producing acts of donation by the members themselves... double speak which was suicidal.
The court room of bruxelles has observed that the content of the files was illegal regarding the privacy laws, since they contained private data about the sex life, health, family, intimate data, and confessions under an e-meter. The persons could not even know the content of those files neither ask for their rectification, as ordered by law.
Therefore the Court refused to give those files back to the cult, since it thought that such data could be used to defraud the members.
More about files: not only the cult filed the members, but as well, it files also policemen, politicians, journalists, classed by grade of dangerosity for the cult...
La Scientologie se tire une balle dans le pied
Le Soir , 22 février 2002 par Frédéric Soumois
[Texte intégral]
Les fichiers saisis sont illégaux
Pour le coup, les scientologues belges ont dû être mal conseillés. Car, pour récupérer les milliers de dossiers personnels de leurs adeptes saisis par un juge d'instruction en 1999 lors de 25 perquisitions menées pour une enquête sur une affaire d'escroquerie, ils n'ont pas hésité à multiplier les procédures.
D'une main, des membres ont réclamé leur dossier tout à fait privé. De l'autre, la secte les a réclamés en totalité, puisqu'ils lui appartenaient.
Et de produire des documents de cession signés par des adeptes. Un double discours un peu suicidaire.
La chambre des mises en accusation de Bruxelles, ainsi que le révèlent mardi nos confrères de "La Libre Belgique", n'a, elle, pu que constater que le contenu de ces fichiers était contraire à la loi sur la protection des données personnelles: informations médicales précises, vie intime et sexuelle, données familiales et comptes rendus de confessions réalisées sous électromètre (la machine miracle des scientologues). Des données que même un accord écrit des intéressés n'aurait pu autoriser l'organisation à détenir.
Et auxquelles, en outre, les intéressés n'avaient ni accès ni droit de rectification.
C'est donc fort logiquement que la chambre des mises a décidé le 30 janvier de refuser de rendre ces dossiers, l'instruction comme le parquet ayant estimé que ces données pouvaient servir à escroquer les adeptes. Rappelons que les activités de l'"Eglise" scientologue ont été épinglées comme "dangereuses" par le parlement belge en 1997.
Au passage, "La Libre" révèle que le fichage de la secte ne concerne pas que ses membres, mais s'étend aux agents des forces de l'ordre ainsi qu'à des personnalités politiques et à des journalistes, tous classés selon leur degré de dangerosité pour la secte.
Sans présumer du fond, la cour d'appel, à l'occasion de cette décision, vient tout de même de dire que le juge d'instruction Jean-Claude Van Espen ne s'était pas fourvoyé en estimant ce fichage illégal et dangereux.
De là à penser que le reste de son dossier, en voie de finalisation
-- Le monde obscur de la Scientologie n, est tout aussi en béton...
"Rd" Roger Gonnet
"Doctor es divinity"
(33) (0) 6 09 66 11 27 (33) (0) 6 16 58 87 85
From: EuroCult Report <>
Subject: Confiscated files are illegal
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 19:34:52 -0400
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.1020502193119.110A-100000@darkstar.zippy>
Confiscated files are illegal
Brussels, Belgium February 22, 2002 Le Soir,
by Fr=E9d=E9ric Soumois=20
There is no doubt but that the Belgian Scientologists were poorly advised. They could not resist starting their own string of court suits to get back thousands of adherents' folders confiscated in 1999 in 25 raids during an investigation of a fraud case.=20
On one hand members demanded their folders back as individual citizens. On the other hand the cult demanded everything back intact, asserting it was the cult's property. It also submitted signed powers of attorney from adherents. This strategy turned out to be a double-edged sword.=20
The Brussels law court could only determine, as verified by our colleagues at "La Libre Beligique," that the contents of these files stood in contravention to the personal data security law. There was detailed medical information, reports on people's intimate lives, including sexual conduct, testimony about family members, and confessional reports obtained through the use of the electrometer (the Scientologists' miracle machine). This was data which would be illicit for an organization to own without written agreement of the individual. Besides that, the people upon whom these reports were kept did not have access to them to make corrections, in accordance with law.=20
It was only to be expected, then, that the court refuse to turn over these dossiers on January 30, since it was of the opinion that these statements would serve to defraud adherents. It is also worthy of mention that in 1997, the Belgian Parliament characterized the activities of the Scientology "Church" as dangerous.=20
La Libre Beligique also revealed that the cult did not only keep files on its members, but also on government officials, journalists and people involved in politics. The records were classified according to the degree of their danger to the cult.=20
Independently of this, the appeals court had also determined that there were no errors before magistrate Jean-Claude van Espen, who assessed these records to be illegal and dangerous.=20
At that point it can be assumed that the case is settled.=20
"To this should be added an E-Meter check for criminal records or undetected current life crimes which could be used for blackmail purposes by subversive agencies in assisting our destruction."
L. Ron Hubbard HCOPL 23 Nov 59 Employment of Criminals Forbidden
Eurocult Reports -- For non-commercial use only=20