Scientology ought to be avoided
Re: Scientologists establish missions in their back yard, March 1.
Gee, where can I sign up to give my $1,500 check to the Scientologist cult to walk on its treadmill, use its sauna and feel better with a spiritual awakening? Oh, wait -- that money would buy a year's membership at a good spa.
The awakening? From a group of atheists who worship L. Ron Hubbard?
This is a man who lived for years on boats so the U.S. government couldn't nail him for crimes and back taxes. He also professed to flying to another planet and killing all the inhabitants.
I worked as a volunteer at the Lisa McPherson Trust. I remember best the poor mother who came and asked if we could help her see her daughter. Twice at the door to their building downtown, she was turned away, told that "her daughter was in audit and couldn't be seen." The next time she was told that her daughter had left for California! Ah, such wonderful "hope-for-man" people.
Beware the "creeping cult." They are not harmless buffoons. Run, don't walk, from any and all things connected to Scientology!
-- M.L. Fitzpatrick, Dunedin