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It was 1950, in the early, heady days of Dianetics, soon after L. Ron Hubbard opened the doors of his first organization to the clamoring crowd. Up until then, Hubbard was known only to readers of pulp fiction, but now he had an instant best-seller with a book that promised to solve every problem of the human mind, and the cash was pouring in. Hubbard found it easy to create schemes to part his new following from their money. One of the first tasks was to arrange "grades" of membership, offering supposedly greater rewards, at increasingly higher prices. Over thirty years later an associate wryly remembered Hubbard turning to him and confiding, no doubt with a smile, "Let's sell these people a piece of blue sky." |
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There are two wildly conflicting versions of the life story of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church [sic] of Scientology, The first, promoted by the Church [sic], is that he was an unfailingly honest, generous humanitarian whose profound insights have transformed the world. The second, propounded in its fullest form in Bare-Faced Messiah by Russell Miller, is that he was a pathological liar, a fraud consumed by greed and paranoia who sucked literally millions of people into an extraordinary fantasy world. |
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Scientologists don't like it if you leave. Even if you leave quietly. There is a saying adherents fondly quote: "The way out is the way through." Deep thoughts passed on by decade-dead megalomaniacal psychopath Lafayette Ronald Hubbard in whose writings church [sic] followers find a labyrinth so complex, so full of elitist jargon and weird science that those trapped in it cannot see that the way out is the way through--- the fucking door.
So, of course I had to join... |
cult-org.gif | Scientology Inc.'s Organizational Chart |
dianetics_in_limbo.txt | L. Ron Hubbard once referred to the theory of evolution with some justice as "a sprawling and contradictory mass of poorly compiled data." Well, compared to the way his science of the mind developed, Darwin's theory has the simplicity and precision of a schoolmarm's two plus two. Dianetics fell apart as an organized theory as time went on and Hubbard kept revising it. But the preface to Dianetics concludes, "May you never be the same." And some of the people who read the book never were. They even lost the option of wanting to be. |
escape-from-scientology-nef.txt |
The first part of the book is the true story of an escape from one the
gulags of the most dangerous cults and certainly the most pettifogging
cult in the world.
This is of course the so-called "Church of Scientology." |
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There are many questions being asked about what Scientology really is. Is Scientology the "Religion of Hollywood" being marketed by mega-celebrities like Tom Cruise, John Travolta and some of Hollywood's biggest moguls? Is it a pseudo psychotherapy cult or con game? Is it a secret society or UFO group trying to go mainstream? Is it the "Brotherhood of the Beast" and host for the incarnation of the Antichrist as touted in the document that Scientology defectors call OT-8? |
hubbard-jr-penthouse-interview.pdf | For more than twenty years L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., has been a man on the run. He has changed residences, occupations, and even his name in 1972 to Ron DeWolf to escape what he alleges to be the retribution and wrath of his father and his father's organization, the "Church" of Scientology. His father, L. Ron Hubbard. Sr., founder and leader of Scientology, has been a figure of controversy and mystery, as has been his organization, for more than a generation. Its detractors have called it the "granddaddy" and the worst of all the religious cults that have sprung up over the last generation. |
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Around the early summer of 1968 I flew to England to take the so-called Scientology secret processes. I had just turned age 35, what may seem like an advanced age for such a dubious adventure, and my course from being totally ignorant of Scientology to pursuing it's founder and leader L. Ron Hubbard's "stratosphere" was wayward. I had first heard of Scientology from friends in the mid-'60s, and later befriended and came under the influence of "franchise owners," who ran their own auditing establishment, though still affiliated with the central organization, who guided me through Hubbard's elementary courses while seeking to avoid the excesses of what they freely acknowledged was a fanatic group. Somewhere along the way I got "hooked." |
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THE SCIENTOLOGY STORY by Joel Sappell and Robert W. Welkos A six-part series in the Los Angeles Times, June 24-29, 1990 |
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It was a Saturday night in Spring of 1974, and there was the sound of passionate sterility in the air. Much the same as I did every weekend, I was cruising the forgotten downtown area of Fort Lauderdale for prostitutes. I had just come from the Greyhound Terminal several blocks north of Broward Boulevard, waiting to see if there were any new runaways coming off the 8:45 bus from Daytona. No one who came off the bus interested me. |
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The following is an account of my life in Scientology, a group I was involved in from December 1970 to August of 1976 -- about 5 years and 9 months. From 1973 to 1975 I lived aboard the Flagship Apollo ("Flag"), the home of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Dianetics and Scientology. On Flag, I trained to be an auditor (a Scientology counselor). My life on Flag was a continual roller-coaster of ups and downs. One day I would receive a personal commendation from Hubbard and be held up as an example of what a Flag auditor should be and then, just months later, Hubbard would take away all my certificates and send me to the RPF (Scientology's prison camp) for an auditing error I did not even commit. On Flag as auditors, we were under continuous pressure to be perfect, the standard of perfection being the whim of L. Ron Hubbard. |
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A series of letters between the writer William S. Burroughs and the Scientology crime syndiate. It repeats some false and fraudulent lies about the mental health care profession. |
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Mentally impaired Raul Lopez was $1.7 million richer as the result of an accident settlement --- until he joined the "Church" of Scientology. Story By Ron Russell.
The ostrich eggs should have been a tip-off. But Raul Lopez wasn't worried, even though he had paid $30,000 for two of them. The eggs were going to make him rich. After all, his lawyer, Brent Jones, whom he trusted more than his own mother, had convinced him. Jones came highly regarded as a member of the Church [sic] of Scientology, the Los Angeles-based church [sic] in which Lopez had invested his hope of getting cured of irreversible brain trauma resulting from an auto accident. Never mind that medical experts had concluded that little could be done about his nervous tremor and inability to reason and interact with others the way he did before a big-rig crossed the center line of a Ventura County highway and slammed head-on into his pickup truck in 1985. Without exception, doctors advised him to adapt to his limitations and move on with his life. |
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The Road to Xenu A narrative account of life in Scientology by Margery Wakefield Note from Bob Penny: "Margery wrote the first part of the book (The Road to Xenu), and I wrote the second part (Social Control in Scientology). We decided that the two parts complemented each other, so we published them together in one volume which we first released at the 1991 Cult Awareness Network [note: CAN is now owned and opperated by Scientology Inc.] conference in Oklahoma City. The printing was done in response to demand at the nearest Kinko’s or other quick printer. The volumes were bound in a thermal binding machine of mine. Both Margery’s work and mine were released to the public domain in 1993, when they were offered for download on the (non-internet) F.A.C.T.Net BBS. Neither are on file with the Library of Congress unless someone else put them there. The text has been available (with no remuneration to either Margery or me) on the F.A.C.T.Net BBS and on countless Web and ftp sites for I know not how long." |
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But it's true that we in America are to blame for starting it all. Scientology sprang like a phoenix from the dirt of "Dianetics", one of the typical crazy fads that sweeps our country periodically. Dianetics hit like a hurricane in 1950, attracting thousands of people, mostly on the West Coast, by promising to cure them of their mental and physical problems without all those tedious hours required by psycho-analysis. Dianetics even had some attraction for those people who had always secretly wanted to play doctor, because it allowed them to analyse others without all those tedious years required to train for it. But a few critics had to come along and spoil the fun. Dianetics, and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, were discredited by the real doctors, and the country deserted Dianetics
to search for Bridey Murphy (an Irish woman who believed she had been reincarnated).
But Dianetics was also quietly undergoing a rebirth, changing its name -- to Scientology -- and adding a new element -- "religion" -- which enabled it to avoid paying American income taxes. Today, this "Church of Scientology", as it is called, says it is people's "spiritual" problems that it is concerned with now. |
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The Autobiography of Margery Wakefield. Back at my apartment, Jenny began to go into a detailed explanation of Scientology. She told me about a group of young people who lived on ships in the Mediterranean with the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. They were known as the Sea Organization. They sailed from port to port spreading the gospel of Scientology. Jenny also said that when you signed up for the "Sea Org," you signed a billion year contract. That was how long it was going to take to "clear" up this planet and all the other inhabited planets of their problems. Scientology, Jenny explained, was a new science that contained the cure for all psychosomatic illnesses and emotional and physical problems. It was a thousand years ahead of psychiatry, she explained. In fact, psychiatry was the main enemy of Scientology, with its backward practices of shock treatments and lobotomies. |
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The Anderson Report PREFATORY NOTE There are some features of scientology which are so ludicrous that there may be a tendency to regard scientology as silly and its practitioners as harmless cranks. To do so would be gravely to misunderstand the tenor of the Board's conclusions. This Report should be read, it is submitted, with these prefatory observations constantly in mind. Scientology is evil; its techniques evil; its practice a serious threat to the community, medically, morally and socially; and its adherents sadly deluded and often mentally ill. |
the-cheryl-s-story.pdf the-cherly-s-story.zip the-cheryl-s-story.htm |
THE CHERYL S. STORY The Shrine Auditorium exploded time and again with the roar of 5,000 sets of hands clapping wildly. The clean-cut, uniformed young man on stage stood there with a smirk on his face, waiting for the sound to die down. Another set of graphs appeared on the giant television screen above his head, depicting yet another set of statistics that were remarkably up over the prior year. The man, a top executive of a controversial Los Angeles church [sic], spoke glowingly about the most recent in a long line of statistics on parade, which precipitated yet another outburst of clapping. I had worked long enough as a staff member of this "church" to know that this many statistics being up this dramatically simply was not possible. And it was at that point that I realized that the members of the Church [sic] of Scientology were being victimized by their own church's public relations techniques. And that realization marked the beginning of the end of nearly 12 years of abuse for me. This is religion? No, this is Scientology. |
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Enquiry into the Practice and Effects of Scientology. Report by Sir John Foster, K.B.E., Q.C., M.P. Published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London December 1971
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The Mind Benders By Cyril Vosper Unabridged "Did you fail to immediately draw up the plans for the Ethics Mission to New Zealand and Australia?" I looked at him for a moment. What sort of a loaded question was that? "Well, it's actually impossible to immediately draw up plans for anything. Planning takes time. You have to get facts, find out who is going and all sorts of things. It takes time." "Answer the question, Yes or No?" Allan Ferguson would have made a good village idiot. He lacked the panache for anything more demanding. "All right, if you want me to admit that I failed to do something impossible, I failed." I had lost that one. |
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The work of L. Ron Hubbard has been surrounded by controversy since
he first announced his "modern science of mental health" in 1950. His
followers assert that he is not only the reincarnation of Buddha but
also Maitreya, who according to Buddhist legend will lead the world to
To Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard is quite simply the wisest, the most compassionate and the most perceptive human being ever to draw breath. Yet, Hubbard was dubbed "schizophrenic and paranoid" by a California Superior Court judge, and Scientology dismissed as "immoral and socially obnoxious" by a High Court judge in London. Scientologists have been convicted of criminal offences in Canada, the USA, Denmark and Italy. An enormous amount of documented evidence demonstrates that Hubbard was not what he claimed to be, and that his subject does not confer the benefits claimed for it. |
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SPECIAL REPORT (cover story) Copyright © 1991 Time Magazine The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power Ruined lives. Lost fortunes. Federal crimes. Scientology poses as a religion but really is a ruthless global scam -- and aiming for the mainstream. Story by Richard Behar By all appearances, Noah Lottick of Kingston, Pa., had been a normal, happy 24-year-old who was looking for his place in the sun. On the day last June when his parents drove to New York City to obtain his body, they were nearly catatonic with grief. This young Russian-studies scholar had jumped from a 10th-floor window of the Milford Plaza Hotel and bounced off the hood of a stretch limousine. When the police arrived, his fingers were still clutching $171 in cash, virtually the only money he hadn't turned over to the Church [sic] of Scientology, the self-help "philosophy" group he had discovered just seven months earlier. |
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This brainwashing manual was written by L. Ron Hubbard, but he later attributed it to "Russians." The crime syndicate published Hubbard's brainwashing manual as a "public service." |
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As organized religion has declined, new surrogate beliefs, many of them based on pseudoscientific rationality, have sprung up. These are what Dr. Christopher Evans calls the cults of unreason, man's attempt to fit technology to a religion-like belief.
Evans discusses a number of these new "religions" - Scientology, the flying-saucer cults, the alpha-wave-feedback churches, the Eastern mysticism sects - describing how they were founded, how they operate, and how they are helpful or harmful to their followers. In many of these cults naivete and sophistication work side by side; ideas about advanced psychology and physiology are juxtaposed with remnants of pre-Christian myths and nineteenth-century occultism. |
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Social Control in Scientology by Bob Penny With Cartoon mentioned in the article. A newsletter of former Scientologists, the inFormer, published a Gary Larson cartoon which shows a couple driving along a dark road surrounded by giant mutant vegetation and ants. The caption says: "Something's wrong here, Harriet... This is starting to look less and less like the Road to Total Freedom." That cartoon describes very well the last several of my 13 years in Scientology and the process by which I was finally able to escape from what was by far the most destructive and debilitating influence that my life has encountered. |
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The Lee Report on Dianetics and Scientology Chapter 4 of Sectarian Healers and Hypnotherapy, a study for the Committee on the Healing Arts By Professor John A. Lee, Ontario 1970 |
scientology-report-new-zealand.txt |
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The Road to Total Freedom A sociological analysis of scientology by Roy Wallis In the early 1970s, sociologist Roy Wallis was completing his research project on Scientology eventually published under the title *The Road to Total Freedom* when he became the victim of the Guardians' paranoia. Ironically the book is now accepted by the Public Affairs office of the Church [sic] of Scientology as reasonable and fair (they even loaned me a copy) but at the time an undercover agent was sent to Stirling University where Wallis then taught. Posing as a student, he attempted to get Wallis to tell him if he was involved in the drug scene. Wallis recognized him from Saint Hill, so the student then changed his story, claiming to be a defector from the Church [sic] of Scientology. |
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The O. J. Roos Story by Otto J. Roos (7 September 1984) |
the-sad-tale-of-scientology.txt |
Eric Townsend - The Sad Tale of Scientology A Short History: 1950-1985 Eric Townsend has developed his interest in the subjects of Scientology and Dianetics over the last ten years. During this time he has undertaken courses of study with the Church [sic] of Scientology, trained as an Auditor himself and has received auditing services from the church [sic]. |
dianetic-therapy-an-experimental-evaluation.txt |
Dianetic Therapy: An Experimental Evaluation Harvey Jay Fischer A Statistical Analysis of the Effect of Dianetic Therapy as Measured by Group Tests of Intellegence, Mathematics and Personality. An experiment was devised to afford an objective and definitive test of the claims for dianetic therapy. Provision was made for obtaining adequate information without anticipating the direction of the effects of dianetic therapy. Dianetic proponents specifically claim effectiveness in only three areas: intellectual functioning, mathematical ability, and personality conflicts. |
jonathan-caven-atack.txt |
My name is Jonathan Caven-Atack. I reside at Avalon, Cranston Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 3HQ. I was born on 5 June 1955. The promises of Dianetics and Scientology are so attractive, the counselling procedures so invasive and the selling techniques so forceful that former members can take years to see them as simply techniques of psychological domination. U.S. academics Conway and Siegelman, who studied 400 former cult members from 48 groups, concluded that Scientology has "the most debilitating set of rituals of any cult in America ... although claiming the most severe long-term effects, former Scientologists surveyed reported the lowest total of hours per week spent in ritual and indoctrination." Conway and Siegelman approximated the time for unaided recovery at 12.5 years (JCA-163). My own experiences as a counsellor bear this out. |
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Hill v. Church of Scientology of Toronto, [1995] 2 S.C. R. 1130
The appellant M, accompanied by representatives of the appellant Church of Scientology, held a press conference on the courthouse steps. M, who was wearing his barrister' s gown, read from and commented upon allegations contained in a notice of motion by which Scientology intended to commence criminal contempt proceedings against the respondent, a Crown attorney. The notice of motion alleged that the respondent had misled a judge and had breached orders sealing certain documents belonging to Scientology. The remedy sought was the imposition of a fine or his imprisonment. At the contempt proceedings, the allegations against the respondent were found to be untrue and without foundation. He thereupon commenced an action for damages in libel against the appellants. Both appellants were found jointly liable for general damages in the amount of $300, 000 and Scientology alone was found liable for aggravated damages of $500, 000 and punitive damages of $800, 000. This judgment was affirmed by the Court of Appeal. |
joanwooddepo-06-01-00.pdf | John Wood, Coronor in the Lisa McPherson homicide, deposition of June 1 2005. |
usavmsh-sentencing-memo-1980-01-72.pdf | Scientology Inc. convicted of the infiltration and theft of documents from a number of prominent private national and world organizations, law firms and newspapers; the execution of smear campaigns and baseless law suits to destroy private individuals who had attempted to exercise their First Amendment rights to freedom of expression; the framing (of crimes) of private citizens who had been critical of Scientology, including the forging of documents which led to the indictment of at least one innocent person; violation of the civil rights of prominent private figures and public officials; the burglary of Government offices; the theft of Government property; the interception of private Governmental communications; the obstruction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Grand Jury investigation into those burglaries; thefts, and electronic "buggings" of government offices and private citizen's residences and business offices; the harboring and concealment of a fugitive from justice; and the making of false declarations to the federal Grand Jury. |
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Cult Apology: A Modest (Typological) Proposal. DRAFT: DO NOT CITE
Paper presented to the 2002 Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Conference
"Boundaries and Commitments in NRM Research," November 1-3, 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah.
By Douglas E. Cowan, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Sociology
University of Missouri-Kansas City cowande@umkc.edu |