Hiyas. The UK picket machine creaked back into action today.
I was up at the ghastly hour of "07:00 GMT+1" (which means by the reality of sunrise it was actually 06:00) and looking down from the windows of the front room onto the main road there was a 30Mtrs visibility fog. Out at 08:00 for the 08:40 train, arrive at the north London terminal 10:40 and over to the other rail terminal 11:00, to meet at the cafe and catch the 11:35 train for Brighton.
We knew Steve C-T was away on a diving exhibition, but three other people vanished for work-related reasons which left us a bit short of leaflets and equipment too. Anyway we had Dave, Roland, Jens, and Richard Ford into Brighton at 12:30 plus John who had arrived on an earlier train, also Richard and Bonnie Woods who wandered away from the main demo and shadowed the clam leafleters.
LONDON / / Brighton is at the seaside / \ due south of London / | East AIRPORT Grinstead | | | ___________BRIGHTON___ ::::::::::::::::::::::
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Queens| |
head| |
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_______/ /_/ _ \___
________ _ <_> ___
| #: | \ / the org is 3rd floor over a shop
|____||_| | | next to "Churchill Precinct" forecourt
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::::::<_" ::::::<_" ::
John had a go on the sound system with a solid wall of slogans, Richard Ford gave 'em a sermon on the evils of cults, and LRon Hubbard had everyone falling in the aisles with his "the man on the crawsss, there was no christ."
All, in all a nice day out. 16:50 train to London, we were all dozing off on the train, and finally 21:30 back home here.
__ .' '. "OUR GRAND DAY OUT"
: :
| _ _ | cracking clams, grommit!
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