Tired of having to download off-topic articles posted by organized crime in alt.religion.scientology? Then here's an easy way to ignore the spam: use NewsProxy.
First, download:
http://www.nfilter.org/120/np-120.exe Second, run the above program.
Third, edit NFILTER.DAT and add the following lines. The lines below represent identification for the crime syndicate minions who have consistantly posted off-topic articles, or who only engage in "Developed Traffic" (DT is crime syndicate lingo for nattering just for the sake of destracting communication away from its crimes, and towards topics of no import).
alt.religion.scientology drop from:*psych* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*Iain Rowe* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*dorsai666* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*Velcro Kitty* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*lameduck* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*mikesmith* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*penzanze* alt.religion.scientology drop nntp-posting-host: alt.religion.scientology drop from:*bremenium* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*Freedom@Liberty.com* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*Clark_Bor* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*Ben Right* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*B_Right* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*B__Right* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*B___Right* alt.religion.scientology drop from:*Prozac* Forth, configure NewsProxy for the news server you use. This may be done via the "Configure" tab. A good server to use is news2.lightlink.com, though the server your ISP uses will also work.
Fifth, configure your news reader if required to point to your local workstation ("localhost") and allow the NewsProxy program (NFilter) to gather articles for it. For instance, if you use Free Agent to read articles off-line, you may change the server under menu option "Options, General Preferences," and select the tab "System" and put the word "localhost" un the text box for "News Server." This tells Free Agent to "loop back" to your own computer for IP port 119 (NNTP) so that NewsProxy can then handle the uploading and downloading of NNTP articles.
NewsProxy will show you which articles have been ignored, and the rules it followed to ignore them.