In Caeriel Crestin's Sign Language Horoscope.
(Begin quote) Leo (July 23-August 22) According to , Scientology is an evil, oppressive cult.
One of Scientology's core tenets is so outlandish that they prefer new members never hear of it until they're declared "Clear"--that is, sufficiently brainwashed so they won't dismiss it out of hand. Their "faith" is predicated on the idea that an evil alien named Xenu murdered trillions of souls (by stacking them around Hawaiian volcanoes and detonating H-bombs inside). They are now hungry vampiric spirits called "body thetans". Conveniently, only (expensive) Scientological techniques can rid you of these clinging demons. Preposterous, eh? Whew, I'm glad you retain at least that much skepticism. You've been so blindly accepting lately that I'm worried you're approaching a state L. Ron would consideer Clear. Turn up the cynicism a notch, just for this week, and if anyone offers you a personality test, know yourself well enough to tell them to go fuck off.
(end quote)
Thought someone might get a kick out of this. I did.
- --
Bright Blessings,
Starshadow, KoX, SP4 with clam cluster, Official Wiccan Chaplain
"Hubbard is a dead fat fraud who started a "religion" to make money,
and Miscavige is a wheezing dwarf who
makes insane outbursts about public buggery in court. There are no
OTs , and Xenu rules." That should be good for -25 stats points,
right OSA?
(find out what this means at )