Operation Clambake "Fight Scientology!"
If you've seen Bowfinger, then you know what this is about.
It's not just that they're kooky. It's not that they believe humans evolved from clams. It's not just that Battlefield Earth will be the worst film in history. It's not just that John Travolta is the worst actor in existence No, the Church of Scientology deserves derision for a much better reason. They're a cult. Yes that's right. And no, they aren't a cult because they aren't a mainstream religion.
They're a cult because they use physical and emotional manipulation to recruit and retain members, and brainwash them into 'donating' upwards of three hundred thousand dollars a person.
Yeah exactly! When most people think Scientology, they think of a horde of frivolous and flaky celebrity types. Far from it. Regular people are being sucked into this web, ruining their lives.
For once there's value in European paranoia. The French, the Germans--- they've all taken strides to clamp down on this dangerous cult.
Want to read about the Church of Scientology brainwashing people into forking over their life savings? Or the fact that a group of their officers were tried and convicted for wiretapping government offices? Or the time they attempted to subvert the Morroccan government?
Learn the truth about Scientology by reading Operation Clambake.
Site Name : Operation Clambake
Location : www.xenu.net
Selectors : Morgan Liu