"Barbara Schwarz" <BarbaralovesMarty@excite.com> wrote in message news:4c418fa.0312221517.4954b34b@posting.google.com...
> Just as I speak out against Karin Spaink, her crazy friends, and them
> talking vulnerable and desperate people into suicide, I have to speak
> out against David Touretzky as well.
> He also denies Scientologists their rights to refuse psychiatric
> treatment, despite that psychiatry is no science but rather junk.
> Barbara Schwarz
I went on Psychbusts with Dennis Clarke of CCHR in 1987 when we were told to stuff bananas, grapefruits and plums into the tailpipes of cars belonging to psychs at two psych conventions in Miami, in the hope that the carbon monoxide would back up into the seating area of the vehicle and kill them.
Psychiatry is attacked by the cult because it is COMPETITION.
My upset with this is that attempted murder goes well beyond "deceptive trade practices." I wonder how many psychs have suffered lung damage or death due to those covert escapades? Maybe there is a stat on it that the Watchdog Committee keeps under lock and key.
Yes, I have to speak out against evil too. (subject of this thread).
David Touretzky is a prince among men, and I am honored to have met him once in 1993.
Steve Fishman xenu@ix.netcom.com