The CCHR (Citizens Commission on Human Rights) has a new booklet out,
"Psychiatry: a Human rights Abuse and Global Failure." Most of you know that
the CCHR is a scientology front group which was set up to harass and discredit
the psychiatric-medical profession. The Church of Scientology's tax-exempt
funds are used to finance this hate group.
Along with the new booklet is a letter from Public Affairs Executive, June
Parks, who extends an invitation to send her comments on the booklet. Here is
the letter that I am sending to Ms Parks and to Jan Eastgate, the President of
the CCHR.
Please join me in sending your comments to the CCHR.
June Parks
Public Affairs Executive
6362 Hollywood Blvd. Suite B
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Dear June:
I have received the new CCHR booklet, "Psychiatry: A Human Rights Abuse and
Global Failure." In your letter that came with this booklet you invited
comments on it and here I am with some comments.
The booklet is quite handsomely done up as befits a publication that is
financed with tax-exempt funds. The pictures are appropriately stark and
graphic with actual psychiatric figures presented in dark and shadowy tones as
befits these evil persons. I must add, though that the picture of CCHR
President, Jan Eastgate, could use a bit of touch up from the excellent Freedom
Magazine artists. She doesn't look sick and evil but just kind of frumpy and
'what me worry'ish. Certainly, an OT CCHR President should come off looking as
super able and aware.
The picture of Adolph Hitler and the tie in of psychiatry with nazis is
effective and timely as more and more suppressives are linking L. Ron
Hubbard's policies with nazi philosopy and practices.
June, I have gone through this booklet twice and there is not one picture of L.
Ron Hubbard. Not even a mention. How can this be? L. Ron Hubbard is the one
who discovered the evils of psychiatry. He is the one who discovered the
cosmic origins of evil psychiatry. How long do you suppose that you can keep
this from the public? Why is the CCHR keeping this from the public?
Certainly, the time for secrecy is over. The public has a right to learn about
L. Ron Hubbard's monumental work and discoveries. They have a right to know
that the evil earthling psychiatrists are controlled by the evil galactic
psychiatrists. The public has the right to know about the invisible alien Body
thetans (BTs) that are attached to them and are causing all of their problems.
They have a right to know about their past...the Wall of Fire. They have a
right to know about the Martian Implant stations that are run by the evil
Marcab psychiatrists and that all uncleared humans are doomed to return there
between-lives, lifetime after lifetime.
The public has a right to know that there is hope. They have a right to know
that L. Ron Hubbard has worked out the 'Golden Technology' to save them from
the between-lives Implants from the invisible BTs and from the evil galactic
What I suggest, June is that the CCHR prepare another booklet that will bring
in the open these deep dark secrets. Let the public know the truth about the
origins of evil psychiatry. And ackowledge the great humanitarian, L. Ron
Hubbard, for the monumental work that he has done. The public has the right to
know that their eternity depends upon the discoveries and work of L. Ron
Incidentally, a scientologist, Koos Trenite, recently channeled L. Ron Hubbard.
Dr. Hubbard said through Koos that he is continuing his work and that he is
very disappointed with the progress his Church of Scientology is making. Dr.
Hubbard said that evil psychiatry was supposed to have been eradicated by 2000.
And he said that the planet earth should be 'Clear' by now. Dr. Hubbard said
that it is obvious that the Church and the CCHR are full of Suppressives and
that he sending a mission from his Space Org to handle this. Capt. Bill
Robertson will be in charge of this mission.
To make sure that the truth about the evil Marcab psychiatrists reaches the
public, a CCHR Reform Group is being formed. The CCHR Reform Group will freely
disseminate previously hidden information about L. Ron Hubbard's cosmic
We ask the CCHR to join this noble humanitarian effort.
Jim Beebe SP 4