I found this in google groups, posted by D. Erlich in 1994. It is splitted in three posts:
http://groups.google.com/group/alt.religion.scientology/msg/0f6033a63e578122 Reference:
http://groups.google.com/group/alt.religion.scientology/msg/332298f6ccb2741e Reference:
(I couldn't find an html version online, so I html'd one for easier reading at http://www.xenu-directory.net/accounts/anon19940907.html)
=ABWe went to the sick bay which had, I think, eight children in it.
These children were all being mistreated. I do not mean medically, only, I mean mistreated in the sense of abused.
I observed the following:
1) Sick children were being diagnosed by the MO; as it turned out they were misdiagnosed by the MO.
2) [The son] was forced to work while ill. He was supposed to be looking after the other sick children.
3) The children were not being sent to a doctor - for reasons of FP [financial planning].
4) The space was filthy and inadequate.
5) The sick children had no beds; they were lying on a concrete floor.
6) There was no adult supervision of these ill children.
7) Children suffering from different contagious diseases were all in the same space.
8) The children were dirty and un-hygienic.
We talked to the MO at length. [The son], it turned out, had complained of other symptoms (sore head, eyes and throat). The MO said he only had one sore in his mouth and was not sick. Apparently when he asked the MO if he could lie down, the MO said he was not sick and had to stay on post, looking after the other children. I also discovered that the MO had received no money from ASHO for the care of ASHO children and therefore there was no money to send the kids to the doctor. All he was doing was giving the children vitamins for their illnesses.
The "sick bay" was an approximately 5 x 18 foot screened off porch area outdoors, with a concrete floor. One of the children, a three-year-old, was lying on a very thin kitchen mat, on the floor. Others were bare-foot on the concrete floor.
The MO told us that if [mother] wanted her son to go to the doctor, she would have to go to ASHO and put in a PO[?]. I told him that all the children who had not seen a doctor should do so, as he was not qualified to diagnose illness. At this point he became antagonistic and said they did not need a doctor and he did not want to discuss it further. I said to [mother] that the conditions in the sick bay were atrocious and if he [the Medical Officer] was not going to do anything about it, I was going to call the Board of Health.
The MO said, of course, that what I was doing was a suppressive act, as indeed, it is per policy. I replied that what he was doing to those children was a suppressive act, and left. We went to ASHO to put in a rush PO. After waiting, I became concerned about [the son] and told his mother that I would pay for his medicine and that they could pay me later. Doctor Victoria Sammler diagnosed [son] as having Vincent's disease (a bacterial infection of the mouth), an eye infection and inflamed tonsils; also a vitamin B and C deficiency. She prescribed an antibiotic and eye drops.=BB
Sad story. I understand that the person who sent this account is certainly no longer a member of the CoS today (and probably neither at the time it was sent). I wonder what had become of the children reported in this letter, are they still in? it was 25 years ago...
MO stands for Medical Officer. What is the scientology definition of a "Medical Officer"? Is it someone that has the competence, and a license to diagnose and treat people? What is a PO?
From: Warrior <warrior@xenu.ca>
Subject: Re: Child Care in Scientology
Date: 31 Dec 2005 00:24:39 -0800
Message-ID: <146017479.0000ec9a.036.0001@drn.newsguy.com>
In <1135998161.910248.85880@g47g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>, Povmec says:
The correct spelling of Victoria's last name is Samler. See these links:
http://tinyurl.com/cso3w and http://tinyurl.com/87zx2
>Sad story. I understand that the person who sent this account is
>certainly no longer a member of the CoS today (and probably neither
>at the time it was sent).
Certainly the individual who sent the report was a member of Scientology at the time. It is evident by the following routing, i.e., who the report was sent to. An outsider would not know to use the following abbreviations.
To: Mary Sue Hubbard
Copies for info:
Guardian WW May 8, 1981 Guardian US DG PR US Watchdog Committee CO Child Care Org AG PR CCO Doug Smith
>I wonder what had become of the children reported in this letter, are
>they still in? it was 25 years ago...
>MO stands for Medical Officer. What is the scientology definition of a
>"Medical Officer"? Is it someone that has the competence, and a license
>to diagnose and treat people? What is a PO?
In Scientology's Sea Organization, a Medical Officer is a staff position within Division Five -- Qualifications Division. Although Sea Org staff often refer to the position by the acronym MO, the correct title is Medical Liaison Officer, or MLO. This position usually is not filled by someone with medical training. At the time this report was written, Michael Spearman was the MLO at ASHO Day. He has since left the Sea Org and has beome a chiropractor. See the following URL:
PO is the abbreviation for purchase order.
By the way, in May of 1981, I was the Financial Planning Chairman, Director of Disbursements, Payroll Officer, Purchasing Officer, and Treasury Secretary at ASHO Day.
http://warrior.xenu.ca/19790515fpminihat.jpg http://warrior.xenu.ca/19780209dirdisbfullhat.jpg http://warrior.xenu.ca/19781123dirdisbfullyhatted.jpg http://warrior.xenu.ca/19790906fullyhattedtreassec.jpg http://warrior.xenu.ca/19810618bdgame1stplace_sm.jpg
I was there at the time the report was written, and I absolutely attest that the report is factual. Out of respect for the person who wrote the report I will honor the person's wish to remain anonymous.
Check out Aides Order 203-71 for more evidence of child abuse and neglect within Scientology: http://tinyurl.com/cd7jg
Warrior - Sunshine disinfects "Scientology: it's about deception."