"The litigants and their lawyers are supposed to want justice, but, in reality, there is no such thing as justice, either in or out of court. In fact, the word can not be defined... In the last analysis, most jury trials are contests between the rich and the poor. Criminal cases, however, practically always have the poor on trial." --- Jurist Clarence Seward Darrow, June 24 1936.
Please don't tailgate---- I'm trying to reload.
"If a Presbyterian enters the jury box and carefully rolls up his umbrella, and calmly and critically sits down, let him go [from jury duty]. He believes in John Calvin and eternal punishment. Get rid of him with the fewest possible words before he contaminates the others.
Unless you and your client are Presbyterians you probably are a bad lot, and even though you may be a Presbyterian, your client most likely is guilty." --- Jurist Clarence Seward Darrow, June 24 1936.