My wife has received some phone calls during the time I was comatose, in january.
I just learned to-day.
A certain number of "dubious" - at least duibious- persons have contacted my home while I was almost dying.
One of them said something like "So, we'll be finally ridden of him ?"
Another said "Beware of wghat shall happen to your car" (but they did not destroy or attempted to destroy it. True enough, I have some surprises here against evil purposed people, even if in coma.
Some tried like mad to know where I had been hospitalized.
Two hang up without speaking.
This is "from a religious organization".
In that "religious organization", the "pastors" are taught how to lie, how to hate, and how hide their own identity; how to flee, how to avoid holding any responsability for their actions, how to kill themselves if needed "for thje greatest good of their dynmaics".
This is "ethical", per HCO Policies, from the one man who pretended to have more friends than anyone before.
A crazy guy who wrote this auto-programmation of a robotic mind: his own mind.
roger gonnet
(mercenaire des services secrets français, d'après le malhonnète Introvigne)
Hubbard: Obtenez de l'argent, plus d'argent, faites obtenir plus d'argent aux autres.
Hubbard: Pour devenir riche, il suffit de fonder une religion.
Hubbard: Tuez ces onze personnes qui ne sont plus d'accord avec moi - ou qui
ont fait connaître mes délires secrets que je vends très cher [texte adapté]