10 July 2000 A Committee of Evidence is hereby convened on L Ron Hubbard. A committee of evidence is "a fact-finding group appointed and empowered to impartially investigate and recommend upon Scientology matters of a fairly severe ethical nature." The committee is convened in accordance with Scientology ethics values: to first protect the group and then, if possible, rehabilitate the individual.
As convening authority, I state that I am UNDECLARED, my certificates and awards have never been canceled, I have a lifetime membership in the Church of Scientology which has not been cancelled, and I have not formally resigned. I have not been comm ev'd off my last C/S post but was illegally "fired" by Kit Whittle of the GO. I was granted Kha Kahn by Capt. Bill Franks, and received a commendation from current Senior C/S Int Ray Mithoff.
Knowlege Reports should be emailed to the committee secretaries but may be posted to the net as well.
The committee is to look into and report on the following crimes and high crimes:
CRIMES 1. Noncompliance with urgent and vital orders resulting in disrepute.
2. Placing Scientology or Scientologists at risk.
3. Omissions or noncompliance requiring heavy intervention by seniors, consuming time and money, with Dev-T (Developed Unnecessary Traffic).
4. Permitting a section, unit, department, organization, zone, or Division to collapse.
5. Overworking an executive by ignoring one's duties.
6. Protecting a staff member guilty of a Crime or High Crime.
7. Committing offenses or omissions that bring one's senior staff member, unit, department, organization or zone official to personal risk and / or Committee of Evidence, civil, criminal or ourt.
8. Condoning circumstances or offenses capable of bringing a course, section, unit, department, organization, zone or Division to a state of collapse.
9. Neglect of responsibility resulting in catastrophes even when another manages to avert the final consequences.
10. Embezzlement.
11. Using an organization position to proucre personal or nonScientology funds or unusual favours from the publc, a firm, student, or preclear.
12. Juggling accounts.
13. Illegal taking or possessing organization property.
14. Obtaining loans or money under false pretenses.
15. Using Scientology harmfully.
16. Issuing the data or information or instructional or administrative procedures without credit or falsely assigning credit for them to another.
17. Harmful flagrant and continued Code Breaks resulting in important upsets.
18. Spreading destructive rumors about senior Scientologists.
19. Refusal to uphold discipline.
20. Getting another staff member disciplined by giving false reports about him or her.
21. Seeking to shift the blame to an innocent staff member for the consequences of one's own offenses.
22. Causing severe and disreputable disturbances resulting in disrepute.
23. Holding Scientology materials or policies up to ridicule, contempt, or scorn.
24. Falsely degrading an auditor's technical reputation.
25. Being a knowing accessory to a Supressive act.
HIGH CRIMES 1. Receiving money, favours or encouragement to suppress Scientology or Scientologists.
2. Pronouncing Scientologists guilty of the practice of standard Scientology.
3. Engaging in malicious rumor-mongering to destroy the authority or repute of higher officers or the leading names of Scientology in order to "safeguard" a position.
4. Falsifying records that then imperil the liberty or safety of a Scientologist.
5. Spreading false tales to invalidate Clears.
6. Spreading libelous and slanderous statements about the alleged behavior of Clears.
7. First degree murder, arson, disintegration of person or belongings.
8. Aiding or abetting a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts in such acts.
9. Dependency on other mental or philosophic procedures than Scientology (except medical or surgical) after certification, classification, or award.
10. Tolerating or not insisting upon star-rated checkouts on all processes and their immediate technology and on relevant policy letters on Hubbard Guidance Center Internes or staff auditors in the Technical Division or staff auditors in the Qualifications Division for the levels and actions they will use before permitting them to audit Organization preclears and on supervisors in Technical and Qualifications Division who instruct or examine or failing to insist upon this policy or preventing this poicy from going into effect or minimizing the checkouts or lists.
11. Pretending to have an organization but have no technical personnel on staff in Tech or Qual.
12. Public Dissemination of false or forbidden or dangerous data.
and any other offenses the committee may uncover.
The Committee will consist of:
Ted Crammer, Chair tedet.net
Arnie Lerma, member
Claire Swayze, member
Catherine Tyler, member
Enzo Piccone, secretary
Tilman, Hausherr, secretary
Sten-Arne Zerpe, adminstrative secretary
Christine Norstrand
Convening Authority