"Mike" McKean and Travis Sargent: You sound _exactly_ like fundamentalist "Christians" ranting about the "Satanic conspiricy" to "Manufacture false evidence" for the "Ungodly and false Pseudo-Science of evolution". I mean, substitute a few words here and there, and you'd fit right in on talk.origins.
I especially like the way you dismiss all evidence that would tend to discredit your position as "Obviously manufactured".
Slightly more original than the Baptists' "Lies of Satan!"
line, while semantically being almost identical.
I mean, seriously, your position is basically equivalent to that of any other fringe dwelling conspiricy theorist. You can't back up your claims with real evidence, so you spout "The lack of evidence is itself evidence!" or something equivalent.
Why am I bothering? Should I just give up trying to argue with such illogical people? It's lost its amusement value, and I seriously doubt that any reply from the cut-n-paste crew could possibly contain new "information" they haven't posted a hundred times before. Maybe I should just killfile them again?
But then there's no hop whatsoever for their education.
Decision decisions...