On Sat, 29 Dec 2001, roger gonnet wrote:
> But i forgot: USA is not a normal country with normal laws and normal
> constitution. US constitution allows -- one could say, recommends -- the
> possession of weapons to intimidate potential enemies.
> That's the country, with its 200 millions individual weapons, which sees
> enemies everywhere. 200 millions for 200 millions of inside enemies. But the
> day some real ones come in, they don't realize it. Or, the day a crazy
> "Mister Justice" wants to blow out an entire building in Atlanta, their
> LEGAL weapons are ILLEGALLY used against them.
> Prove the reverse if you think i'm wrong.
> and NO, i don't hate USA, NO, I dont hate the normal people living there,
> NO, I don't think they are all crazy: I'm just thinking that 91 % are too
> proud of their nation. They are brainwashed to beieve in this country, the
> same way as frenchies, germans and many others were one century ago.
I'm reading an old book about that. It was written by a German officer
held POW by the Russians in World War 1. In light of recent events, it's
rather chilling to read his realizations about his former Empire. It
struck a chord with me, too; even back then one observation was that the
Americans were winning the war not with superior strategy, but with use of
a technology that was more destructive than anything anyone else had
previously experienced.
A hundred years later the USA is still the world's leading exporter of destructive technology, both physical (armament) and psychological (rightwing fanaticism, like Scientology). Americans don't realize it, in part because American WWII propaganda didn't end with WWII. It's gone on for generations because people found out they could make money from making Americans "feel good" about themselves, no matter what they do. It inspires Americans to put in more hours a day at work than any other civilized country in the world, even recently surpassing Japan.
The corporations love it, and are trying to postpone the obvious decision as long as possible: Is all this extra work improving life for Americans as much as it is destroying a way of life for everybody? Is being the world's largest producer of destructive technology really outweighed by benefits? I'm reminded of the German POW now when I hear the initial lamentations on television about the good old days of the great American Corporate Empire, when major ceo's were richer than most small countries, and before the economy was supposedly ruined by "terrorists."
One possible solution is to do what they're doing with drugs. The reasoning there, to my understanding, is that it's not going to do any good to throw all the drug users in prison if the producers are still producing their destructive drug. They'll just find new users. Maybe it won't do any good to hold military tribunals for users of destructive technology, either. Maybe it's time to start going after the producers, too.
Thanks for providing your perspective on the situation, Roger.
Happy New Year to everybody!
Joe Cisar, Xenu apologist What tripped Scientology's trigger?
Media, read what made me Scientology Public Enemy nbr. 46