-- Insert regular D.A. anti-Arnie rant here -- What a great job you must have, P.R. There you are, sitting around all day, hiting that refresh button to get the latest Usenet postings, skimming the posts with that incredible reading skill Applied Scholastics provides, until POW!, a posting by Arnie! You jump into action, your fingers gliding over the keys as you select text, copy text, paste text, and send your paste, err, I mean post, to ARS and indelibly stamp Arnie with the label "Hate Monger".
Spent from your big win, you lean back (careful, that chair's pretty old) and smoke another cigarette (wondering why you can't break that habit since you've cleared your reactive mind). After a moment's reflection on a job well done, you go back to hitting that refresh button...waiting and watching for the next chance to strike a blow for the planet!
Meanwhile, back in the real *world*, people with a clue read your pathetic attempt to divert attention away from the criminal actions of your cult, and laugh long and hard.
Thanks for the laughter, P.R.
Steve G.