Judgment of the Church of scientology confirmed in PARIS Court of Cassation, Oct. 1, 2004 (AFP) -
the Supreme court [Cour de Cassation] confirmed the judgments pronounced by the Court of Appeal of Paris against the spiritual Association of the Church of scientology of Ile-of-France (ASESIF) and its president for offences related to computer filings, one learned Friday near the Court.
October 13, 2003, the Court of Appeal of Paris had condemned ASESIF to 5.000 euros of fine with deferment for violation of the data-processing law and freedoms but it had released offence of obstacle to the functions of control of the agents of the data-processing national Commission and freedoms (CNIL).
The court had inflicted the same penalty to the president of association, Marc Walter, for the offences of violation of the data-processing law and freedoms, like inhibiting the functions of the agents of the CNIL (a french office for protection of private data).
The court of criminal appeal of the Supreme court of appeal confirmed these decisions and rejected the appeals formed by Asesif, Marc Walter but also by the national Union of associations for the defense of the families and the individual (UNADFI), of which the constitution of civil part had been regarded as inadmissible by the Court of Appeal.
Asesif and its president were continued to have preserved on computer files of the data concerning of former members of the sect, who had carried felt sorry for. In first authority, May 17, 2002, the president of association had been condemned to 2.000 euros of fine by the correctional court of Paris whereas association was condemned to 8.000 euros of fine. The judgment of 2002 had been the first for the Church of scientology as a legal entity.
[ It is for that that these cocologists wanted to so much avoid being
condemned: they had at all costs to avoid a first judgment, because several
others more serious probably will follow and will be they also dispatched in
call by sciento and c°, then in Cassation: one should not miss base to dare
to provide itself in call then in cassation whereas obviously, they were
guilty of that which one showed them. The worse is that they undoubtedly
continue to maintain their illegal files, since the policy concerning the
computer filing of the scientologists was not cancelled and cannot be
cancelled anyway, and that the sect maintains in addition several sites for
libelous denunciation... of which the famous Miscavige's site of :
ww.rtc.org, where each one can massacre the reputation of the neighbor
quietly if it wishes it. - I know others of them, worse still. ]