Scientology, the cult of non-confront, converts its members into blustering, selfish cowards. In rejecting their social obligation to responsibly communicate, Scientology cowards are programmed to uncritically accept that they are constantly winning.
Last week, at OSA published summarized accounts of personal, confidential auditing records. Unbeknownst to OSA, the information given in those sessions a quarter century ago was faulty. OSA published the following false and libelous information, the source of which, to my knowledge, was my auditing folders:
"Cisar left Germany in the late 1950s when his father moved the family to the U.S. because he worked for an intelligence agency. Cisar was involved in selling illegal drugs just prior to and during his tenure in the Navy ..."
Why would the cult of non-confront be concerned about a person's pre-newsgroup days? To find out, simply follow the non-confront. If the Hubbardists try to direct the public eye to the olden days, that means they are not confronting something in the present time. Simple enough?
Now, as detailed at the followers of Ron Hubbard made a serious attempt to direct attention to everything that connects me to a.r.s. EXCEPT the thesis I published on L.
Ron Hubbard -- which was expressly dedicated to everyone who has ever expressed an opinion on a.r.s. That thesis details a method whereby Hubbardists RELIGIOUSLY avoid any relevant communication with dissenters. Hubbard's system contains a built-in inability to communicate. Remember, a declared SP has only one "terminal"?
So how do these faceless cowards "communicate" about a thesis? They put up a web page on its author which contains anything EXCEPT the bone of contention. That is in strict accordance with the anti-democratic teachings of the psych "squirrel," Ron Hubbard, which uses the framework of a tax-exempt, multi-billion dollar network to isolate and malign people based on their opinions and convictions.
At Scientology's core are fanatics incapable of confronting the realities of life. One of those unconfrontable realities is that there are people who engage in sane, constructive, pro-survival activity while simultaneously being in disagreement with Hubbard's teachings. This disagreement is not unexpected, as following Hubbard's teachings indicate a tendency to devolve people into a baser, more tractable life form, and they contain a value system not oriented towards human beings or towards non-combatant socialization.
If I am wrong, I will certainly not hesitate to apologize loudly and clearly. If it makes the Scientologists any happier, I will even rub ashes on my forehead and dress in rags to publicly demonstrate my humility. And I'll be a better person for it, as losing is just as important as winning. I don't anticipate having to recant, though, any time soon.
Without telling her why I was doing it, I e-mailed another person who also recently got a non-confront web page from OSA, and asked her why she thought she received this dubious honor. "Refunds" was her immediate answer. I scanned her web pages and found no direct reference to this fact. Isn't it peculiar that the obvious reason of the web page was not included in its content?
Then I went to the 8 pages OSA created to non-confront Alexander Dvorkin.
I know why they don't like him. There is an entire Russian-language book written about it, with copious documentation. Dvorkin was the person who took responsibility to investigate Scientology's "purification" program in Russia. Do you know they actually put Chernobyl children through the torture of Scientology's purification rundown? No doubt due at least in part to Dvorkin's research, the Russian government stopped subsidizing Scientology's dangerous program. I scanned OSA's pages on him and did not notice any mention of that. Instead there are rambling insinuations about unrelated tangents. Also Scientology and other cults launched a monster lawsuit agaiinst Dvorkin and t he Russian Orthodox Church in 1997. The cults lost.
The reality of loss cannot be confronted by Hubbard's followers. Merely showing the emotion of grief at a loss is frowned upon. As such, Hubbardists can be said to be incapable of confronting reality, as reality includes loss. Their lessened ability to communicate with others is also demonstrated by the need for cult jargon. And Scientologist affinity shrivels as it increasingly relies on the mental images created by the happy, sex-deprived drones at GOLD.
Sanity includes the ability to perceive, recognize and deal appropriately with your environment. Scientology is seriously lacking in this department.
Joe Cisar, Xenu apologist
What tripped Scientology's trigger?
also, Media, read