From:[ Name ] [ Address ] [ City ] [ Country ] [ Telephone, e-mail, fax ]
To:[ Name Scientology entity ] [ Name Person in Charge ] [ Name Director of Special Affairs ] [ Address ] [ City ] [ Country ]
B Y R E G I S T E R E D and S T A N D A R D M A I L
[ city,] [ date ]
Dear [Person in charge] and DSA,
I hereby request that you pay back my [ currency/amount (say, in letters) ][ for example: euro 10.000 (TEN THOUSAND) ] that I've deposed on your account. I want you to transfer this money to the [ name and address of the bank ], [ accountnumber [ accountnumber ]before [ date-of-this-letter plus 2 or 3 weeks ].I will hand over this case to either my collecting agency/attorney or the ScientologyPayBack Organization without further notice to you in case you fail to transfer the money before the mentioned date.
You're put on notice that from that moment on you will be held accountable for any and all costs, including but not limited to those of my agent(s), necessary to collect the money you owe me.
[ Here you can put reasons why you want your money back, this is not necessary though. ] Yours Sincerely,
[ Signature ][ Your name ]