One should neither under nor over-estimate the effect of chemotherapy. In some circumstances it is necessary to withdraw someone from an opioid drug (heroin), or a drug which relies on inducing opioid effects (nicotine), or just to opioid-block a patient because their high opioid levels are harming them. Opioid block will block ALL opiates so you can't substitute a weaker opioid (codeine) or opioid-inducing (caffeine) drug to "take up some of the slack."
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FIRST, you need to make a firm decision to quit your addiction.
SECOND, you will feel like shit for doing it; roughly like a bad bout of flu. This has to departments.
In part 'A' there is pain around your back which is probably being invented in spinal nerves, you get shivers, you get irritable... coffee and/or codeine tabs would partly fill in for this if not opioid-blocked.
In part 'B' there is lack of pleasure, motivation, and muscle-relaxing impulses, so that your arms and legs are slightly stiff, tired, sometimes cramped, trembly.
The tablet XYBAN / Wellbutrin / Bupropion addresses this.
Good therapy for a miserable flu with these symptoms would be a bit of codeine and coffee, withdraw codeine when sickness ends; a bit of zyban, withdraw zyban when sickness ends. When the problem is induced by withdrawal of nicotine or heroin, apply codeine strong coffee, end codeine as the withdrawal symptoms recede and keep drinking somewhat stronger coffee than before. Apply Zyban until the stiffness and tremor type symptoms are over, your natural hormone balance will take over and Zyban can be stopped.
THIRD, these meds tide you over the unpleasant physical symptoms (you say cult withdrawal produces these? then try Zyban). Use of these "crutches" allows you to get out of bed enough to re-learn patterns of walking, then they can be withdrawn. In other words, they give you a breathing space in which to practice "getting a life"
i.e. learning normal behaviours which provide the satisfaction you formerly got from your cult or drug habit.
In sum: ON THEIR OWN meds are no use at all. You have to
start by deciding to quit your habit, and end by learning
new pleasurable habits which will substitute normal life
for your old abusive pattern. ONCE YOU HAVE DECIDED TO DO THIS,
meds enable you to do this by saving you from being pushed off
course by painful physical withdrawal symptoms.