Recent info on travel too and from the Int Base offices at the Gilman Hot Springs Golden Era Productions facility to the berthing apartments in Hemet was limited only to the church busses. Staff were at one point in 2005 disallowed using their personal cars which usually are used by many many staff to go home. Personal car use was banned in 2005 at some point.
It's not known if the "no personal car driving" is still being enforced. One person thought that that rule would NOT last long.
Anyone with recent Int Base staff knowledge of the travel to and from the staff berthing apartments, the Kirby and other apartements, please share their info. Are they still disallowing personal car driving? (One wild guess for disallowing the driving, is that personal car driving is an obvious method of "blowing.")
Chuck Beatty
Ex-Sea Org (lifetime staffer, 1975-2003)
Flag Dec 1975-Jun 1983 (TTC, Sup, Word Clearer, D of T, etc.)
Int Base 1983-1984 (Routing Forms Pjt)
Snr HCO Int in the FB in LA 1984-87
Re-Training (Int and LA) 87-88
Int Training Org, LA 88 (Sec Checker Sup)
LRH Tech Research and Comps, CMO Int, (Sept 88-Feb 89)
Int RPF (Feb-Mar 89)
PAC RPF (Mar-May 89)
Int Training Org (May-Sept 89) (Admin Sup)
INCOMM Sep 89-Sept 90 (Routing Forms Pjt)
INCOMM Sept 90-May92 (Computer Room LA & Int)
ASI May 92-Dec95 (Computer Room, In-Training Esto)
Decks Int (Dec 95-Jun 96)
Int RPF (Jun 96-Nov 2000)
PAC RPF (Nov 2000-Mar2003)
Routed out March 29, 2003.
Join XSO and network to old Sea Org friends:
(I highly highly recommend ex-Sea Org joining.)
412-260-1170 (I'll be happy to network anyone to anyone)
(media call me from time to time, and I network
people with firsthand experience to media.)
PS: Any experienced Scientology movement observers on ARS, feel free to email me and alert me to media interest in a particular subject, and I can then network ex-Sea Org staffers who DON'T watch ARS, to those media, as was done recently successfully!