First of all, I would want to ask WHY the hell anyone with the sense god gave seafood would WANT to meet with the Dept. of Dirty Tricks?
Phil, do you think they want to bask in your sunny disposition? Given that that's a negative, why do you think they want to take you to dinner? Surely you don't think you'll be enjoying an exchange of ideas...good Scientologists have thought-stopping mechanisms in place to counter that possibility.
Furthermore, these people are merely dumb terminals. Nothing you say to them is going to change anything uplines. As Ed says, it's all scripted from the get-go. But you don't get a copy of the script.
Fucking with the cult is not an extreme sport, nor is it a game, and it's moronic of you to equate it with riding a motorcycle.
Since you mentioned to Peaches that you've had your brain slammed on several occasions, I think you should use what's left of it to take that into consideration. You seem pretty certain for a guy who's already been bumped into a rubber room once by the cult! And you know what they say about certainty, don't you?
Personally, I think you're being an idiot, like the people who ignore the "Warning! Hot Coals!" signs on fire rings at the beach. Ignoring the warning signs is a good way to get burned.