||||| From: martinottmann@yahoo.com (Martin Ottmann) Subject: Mission Management Letter No. 6 from April 16th, 1983 Date: 22 Aug 2003 14:29:30 -0700 Message-ID: <71d327bb.0308221329.5c7abecc@posting.google.com> Mission Management Letter No. 6 16 April 1983 To: All Mission Holders/EDs From: Watchdog Committee URGENT URGENT RE: YOUR MISSION'S PROSPERITY In many areas internationally, missions have been successfully applying standard actions to expand their missions and increase their GI, booksales, public inflow, delivery and flow of public up to higher orgs, and solvency. These actions have been isolated by management, and are being forwarded to you so that you can be sure that they are being done in your mission, and your mission is getting full advantage from doing the successful actions: 1. The key to high stats is broad contact of new public. This is done through OCA test handouts to public personally by mission staff and FSMs, leaving stacks of OCA test forms in public places with your mission name and address on them, booksales to raw public door-to-door, in shopping centers, at flea markets, in bookstores, and through FSMs, ads in newspapers for Dianetics seminars, Introductory Book One sessions, and free introductory services, and effective bodyrouting in of raw public. 2. Full follow-up on all new contacts who have bought books, been to intro services, or have been contacted in any way. 3. Delivering standard intro and other mission services, sticking exactly to the Source materials, such as LRH books, tapes, films, and Book One intro sessions. 4. Delivering standard courses with standard supervision at all levels, and having trained supervisors on all courses, including Div 6 courses. 5. Constant enlightment of Div 6 public by Div 2 reges and Div 4 tech terminals that gets public reaching for major services, including showing them the Grade Chart. 6. Heavy sale of major services, including Student Hat, Purif, SRD, HRD, Grades, etc., with effective application of Big League Sales. 7. Delivery in volume of 100% standard auditing and training, delivered by certified, standard tech personnel who have been properly trained. These actions are the ones that have been producing high GI, sales, inflow of public, and result in prosperity and solvency for missions. Immediately slam in the above points now now [sic] in your own mission. Every minute these actions are not being done you are losing your shirts in income and production. These actions should be immediately gotten in, while maintaining all other successful, on-policy actions you are currently doing to get people sent up the Bridge to higher orgs. These are the vital actions that your mission must do in order to have more than adequate income, staff pay, and solvency. These actions are key to your mission winning the Birthday Game, and are the actions of the top missions in the Birthday Game last year, so get these in and get an early start in the Birthday Game this year. Go, go, go! Much Love, WATCHDOG COMMITTEE