||||| From: alerma@nospam.bellatlantic.net (arnie lerma) Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Subject: I am so worried about dad, he is so tired he looks like a zombie - 1st Letter to Cong. Leo J. Ryan from Ida Camburn Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 00:42:51 GMT Organization: CitizensAgainstCorruption Message-ID: <3ca50a09.224234603@news2.lightlink.com> X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.21/32.243 NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Original-NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Trace: 29 Mar 2002 19:46:54 -0500, X-Original-Trace: 29 Mar 2002 19:46:54 -0500, Lines: 182 Path: news2.lightlink.com Xref: news2.lightlink.com alt.religion.scientology:1448721 dates Nov l l976 Letters to Leo no. l The following is the first of a series of letters written that resulted in the now famous letter from Congressman Leo J Ryan, to Ms. Ida Watson Camburn which will be linked HERE: http://www.lermanet.com/house/destructive.htm This letter, the first of a series is linked from that same page. is webbed HERE: http://www.lermanet.com/house/letter01.htm As an ex-member of Scientology with almost a decade fighting to expose them, I find few people who can teach me about how the Scientology deception machine works. I have found that Ida Camburn, who has been an activist's activist for 25 years, has many things to teach us, about how the scam 'appears' to work. Note - that Scientology has not changed a bit in 25 years.... November - 1976 Letter to Congressman Leo J. Ryan - Number 1 Dear Congressman Ryan : I am writing with regard to Congressional record H-10051 dated. SEPT. 14, 1976 I cannot express enough my appreciation for your signature as a co-signer to Robert N. Giamino's letter to the Hon. Edward N. Levi. I have been in communication with your sister who has suffered the loss of her son to this insidious cult of Scientology. I pray she hears from him soon. I too have lost a son to this cult He is 35 years old and the father of two beautiful children . Prior to his indoctrination through Dianetics and then the processing, the auditing, the trances and reveries-led to believe he has seen his soul leave his body, he was an astute business man, a good husband and loving father. When his wife refused to take part in this processing he just withdrew from her as a husband and where there was great love and now --hate and mistrust took its place. I have written to many people in government and all have read my letter with sympathy and sorrow but state because of the Church their hands are tied. It is not a question of religion in any way. If he should be a Lutheran, Catholic or even a Scientologist that is his right under our constitution. What I do question is the method used to convert. I also question the fear of their leaving Scientology once they have been through the process. I can leave my church and join another at any time and have no fear of recrimination in any way. If you are aware of the Allard v. Church of Scientology (June l7, 1976 courthouse series) you will know that Allard won. The Scientologists had appealed that case where the fair game policy was used on Mr. Allard and the courts decided in Mr. Allard's favor. There are several suits pending at this time. Attorney General Younger--city Attorney Pines and the Dist. Attorney of L.A. as well as Kissinger-Interpol -- and the Mayor of Clearwater, Florida . I have recently heard that they are suing the ABC News Network for the showing of Close-up in early Sept. This will tie up the program so it will not be seen as a re-run. They have a tentative date set for a suit against Paulette Cooper the author of "The Scandal of Scientology" the 12th or 13th of this month in L.A. What is it that this man Hubbard is so afraid of? What is so secretive that one cannot get past the front desk if he is a reporter or just one who would like to know what this process is all about?. In response to a letter to my son asking if had seen this program on ABC, I quote his answer in part-- "There are some real bad guys in very high places in the country and the fact that we've found them out and are going to stop them has got them pretty scared." Letter dated 9/16/76.--on ASHO Foundation Letterhead. ABC now advised me that they got many letters against the program , also appreciated my writing to commend them. Ironically, I had a letter dated Aug. 8, 1976 from my son and I quote "I wrote 80 letters this week and sorry Mother, not one to you ". With 2,000 org members with that kind of a quote--could it be they were putting out the word to get the mail to ABC to can the program?? The only reason my son remains in touch with me is that I have been instructed by former Scientologist on how to handle the situation. He was in 13 years, he had in mind to write a book but suddenly changed his mind .--He --my son, had written to me asking me to write a letter to state it was all right for him to follow his own path no need to mention Scientology. This -so he could go to Clearwater, Florida. I wrote to Attorney Gen. Younger at that time. On Oct. 4th while I was in Pennsylvania I was called and told he had been to the children's school that day and informed his son that he was leaving for Florida the next day . He did not tell his daughter. I called ASHO that night and after a long wait he came to the phone. I told him I did not want him to go and never had said it was right that he go and be that far away from his children. I received a letter dated Oct. 11th and postmarked Oct. 16th from Clearwater. I was told by the one who advised me to keep in touch that all incoming letters and out -going letters are censored. I do not know if this is true. My sons mind is so confused that it is possible he did not know what day it was. He has told me of his schedule at the ASHO starting at 8: a.m. and ending at 11:30 p.m. with further study till l or 2 am at night. Three letters later he would write and tell me how he got nine hours of sleep at night. Even his son remarked - '"I am so worried about dad, he is so tired he looks like a zombie. " In these past months I have met or read of many couples that are involved in Scientology . Eighteen out of the twenty couples are divorced or separated where only one party joined. They state they are non-political . I believe differently. The drug program "Narconon" is run by Scientologists. Funded here in Palo Alto by the City . In that my son tells me a drug addict is one that takes any medication --such as a tranquilizer--even denounces the use of aspirin--I wonder who decides that one is indeed an addict. The Citizens Commission of Human Rights is backed by Scientologists. I have a letter sent to me by my son on Calif. Legislature stationary --signed by Dennis E. Carpenter of te 36th district advocating Narconon. Letter is dated April 29, 1975. Art Torres and Richard Alatorress 56th and 55th districts respectively , who spoke at the Scientology meet at the Anaheim stadium in August. The English asked Hubbard to leave their country--giving the reason that Scientology was detrimental to mental health and instrumental in breaking up homes and families. With the divorce rate as it is today all we need is a Church that is instrumental in breaking up families. I am appalled at the apathy of the churches. The Scientologists have even printed lies about Boys Town --- stated that a Rev. Patrick Flanagan who was a counselor at Boys Town had recommended the study of Scientology. (Booklet titled "Perhaps Happiness" copyrighted by L. Ron Hubbard} Rev. Hupp the director of Boys Town has been having a running battle with the group for over a year and all they get is promises, promises. Sheila told me that your Grandmother was among those who helped in getting Boys Town started. I recently visited there and it is indeed a credit to the country . The trades offered there and the personal attention given to the boys are marvelous. If you want more information on this cult and the havoc it has caused -- write to Individual Freedom Foundation. Box 46 Ardmore, Pa. 19003 Thank you for listening. Sincerely , Ida Watson Camburn Ferengi + Borg = Scientology I'd prefer to die speaking my mind than live fearing to speak. The only thing that always works in scientology are its lawyers The internet is the liberty tree of the new millennium Secrets are the mortar binding lies as bricks together into prisons for the mind http://www.lermanet.com/grifters.htm - mentioned 4 January 2000 in The Washington Post's - 'Reliable Source' column re "Scientologist with no HEAD" You want Bigots? http://members.cox.net/bwarr2/Movie2.html