From Mon Dec 30 20:58:05 2002 HCO ETHICS ORDER DATE 8.31.65 NO 57 TO: THOSE CONCERNED FROM: ETHICS OFFICER SUBJECT: DECLARATION OF SUPPRESSIVE PERSON LIL DISTON is hereby declared a Suppressive Person for the following reasons: 1. Statement that she feels that Ginny Diston has not made the gains that Kitty Napolitano and Bob Diston feels she has made. 2. Statement that Bob Diston is "right back where he started before he came into Scientology". 3. The above statements are considered to be destructive to the Scientologists named and therefore is a High Crime. 4. Fair Game. 5. Not to be communicated with. 6. Bob Diston, Ginny Diston, Kitty Napolitano, or anyone associated with this person are hereby declared Potential Trouble Sources until they handle or disconnect. ANNE FEWELL ETHICS OFFICER