From Mon Dec 30 21:19:58 2002 [14 May 1965] HCO ETHICS ORDER To: Anyone Concerned From: The Office of L. Ron Hubbard Subject: Suppressive Person 1. As he has resigned from Scientology rather than receive auditing, BOB MUSACK is hereby declared a SUPPRESSIVE PERSON. 2. He has threatened to cave in his wife with R6 materials if she will not divorce him, and dramatizes with no awareness. 3. He has refused orders to be audited by expert auditors and is vicious. 4. He is expelled from course. 5. All his certificates and awards are cancelled. 6. His bulletins and E Meter must be turned in. 7. He is not to be trained, processed or helped in any difficulty and is pronounced Fair Game. He is entitled to no recourse. 8. All communication with him is severed, his files are to be torn up and he is to be removed from any mailing list. 9. He may not enter any Scientology org. 10. Anyone remaining connected with him is declared a Potential Trouble Source. L. RON HUBBARD