EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE SO ED 422 INT 14 September 1975 COMMENDATION ENS. RHEVA MAYER and W/O SCOTT MAYER are HIGHLY COMMENDED for their production in the field in rais- ing the EUS Cont stats into POWER as T/CO and T/SC FOLO EUS. When they arrived at FOLO EUS the Paid Comps were downtrending at 2861 on the 3rd of May. When they left on July 15 the stats were in Power at 3849!! This successful team are now at FOLO UK where they have reverted UK Cont Paid Comps already which are now Affluence trending at 1332. When they ar- rived the stat was downtrending at 1065. They are an excellent team applying the Supreme Test wherever they go and they are appreciated. They are each awarded a bonus of $125 each, to be paid by FBO UK upon receipt of this issue. Lt. Kerry Gleeson CO FB Approved by AG Finance Flag Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY