From: (Ron Newman)
Subject: Boardwatch Mag articles & letters on Scientology vs. the Net
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 1995 15:10:20 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Boardwatch magazine has published a number of articles on the Scientology vs. the Net case. They refused me permission to repost them on Usenet, suggesting instead that I point readers at their World Wide Web site: 4/95: Editor's Notes by Jack Rickard: "The Security Paradox", includes brief discussion of CoS raid on anon.penet.fiHere's a short "fair use" quote from Rickard's reply to Goodman in the July issue. Rickard does NOT mince his words: 5/95: Telebits column by Jack Rickard: "Church of Scientology: Speak Nicely or We'll Bust Your Net" 5/95: Legally Online</a> column by Lance Rose: "Power Grabs on the Internet", discusses both Exon bill and "The Church of Scientology's Online Crusades" 7/95: Letters to the Editor</a>. Long letter from Leisa Goodman representing the Church of Scientology, and equally long, blistering reply from Boardwatch's editor Jack Rickard
"You have elevated an obscure ranter and raver [Erlich] to the status of international hero, cast the Church of Scientology as an evil organization bent on silencing critics by any means available and stopping at no extreme to do so, and you've done it in a more public forum than you apparently have experience operating in. It implies that what Erlich was saying was correct and accurate, which from my readings of his message traffic, I would have assumed to be a nearly impossible task. And worse, you've harvested hundreds of thousands of enemies to your cause who previously couldn't have cared less what you did or why, in an ever widening circle of enmity to the Church of Scientology. You seek to minimize your critics, and in doing so you amplify them beyond all proportion. Had you ignored him, I would not even know who Erlich was and neither would anyone else outside of a small circle of followers in an obscure newsgroup read by almost no one. And in implicating non-participants such as the BBS operator and the Internet Service Provider, you've left no doubt as to who the bad guy is in all of this."
Ron Newman
Michael Reuss
Honorary Kid