The domain was hosted on (along with about 100 other Scientology domains). It seems to have vanished utterly: even the domain registration yields no record. This is what it used to be:
Leo J Ryan Education Foundation (EDUCFND-DOM)
p.o Box 9946
Glendale, CA 91226
It was the same mailing address as
Here is what Scientology Inc. claimed their web site was about:
"The Anti-Brainwashing Campaign is a movement founded by individuals dedicated to educating the public on the real facts about 'deprogrammers' or 'thought reform consultants' or 'exit counselors.' We are dedicated to eradicating the dangerous use of brainwashing techniques being used under the guise of 'counseling.'"
And yet Scientology Inc. has many other web sites that insist "brainwashing" doesn't exist! How, oh, how could this be?
"I'm a fan of the Dixie Chicks, but I'm a bigger
fan of the military," -- Rep. Catherine Ceips (Republican)