In Franklin County, Ohio, a total of 638 votes were cast in the Gahanna 1.b precinct: Bush received 4,258 of them, Kerry got 260. Of the 4,346 votes cast in the entire Gahanna 1 precint, 6,252 went to Bush2 and 1,915 went to Kerry.
In Craven County, electronic voting machines reported 11,283 more
ballots for president than the number of people who voted.
In Florida's Broward County, electronic voting machines that reach a
figure of 32,000 start counting BACKWARDS due to a program bug that
was known to exist years ago but was never fixed.
In LaPorte County, Indiana, voting machines insist there are only
22,200 voters registered (exactly 300 in every precinct) even though
the Board of Election knows there are 79,000+ registered voters.
In Palm Beach County, voting machines report that 454,427 voters cast
542,835 ballots for president.
In North Carolina, 102,109 people voted for president, with electronic
voting machines registering 106,064 of those votes; that figure does
not include the 4,500 votes reported lost due to machine limitations.
Meanwhile, the counties across the United States that used paper
ballots have reported election results that closely match their exit
polls; where electronic voting machines were used, exit polls were
wildly different than the balloting--- nearly universally in favor of
Republican candidates.
This, we are told, is "Democracy."
Voting Republican makes baby Jesus cry!