Hi all,
It has been a while since I've been posting here, but I had a conversation I thought you'd all be interested in. I spoke with an FBI agent today regarding some posts made to author John Shirley's message board. The posts in question were threats against Scientologists forged in my name back in March. The threats were short, devoid of humor, and obviously not me. The agent I spoke with said the IP addy of the forgeries came from near Tampa, FL, and did I know anyone there who would want to frame me for threats... LOL!!! I told him Scientology was headquartered in FL, but I didn't know any specific Scieno who'd do this. The fact that I immediately followed up the threat on the message board with a refutation and a dissection of what it was was very helpful. The moment I saw the forgeries - I contacted the site admin, printed the forgeries out, and realised that I was at work when they were posted. The agent said that if the claim had been credible - he'd have visited in person, not called. I educated him quickly about Jesse Prince and Paulette Cooper, and advised him to check for himself if he had questions about Scientology framing their critics.
So there you have it - Scientology tried to frame me for threats of violence. They lied to the FBI and ascribed their own actions to me.
They did this because they are utterly powerless against humor. Humor is an effective tool against them. Learn this lesson well.
TO THE OSA: Well, you douchebags - you did it. You proved that there are no OTs, and that you are scum who tie up law enforcement with useless tasks. I am sure the terrorists out there appreciate your help in stifling the FBI. I do not. Your hinderance of our law enforcement in times of national crisis shows you for the scum you are.
I was done with you bitches. My CD was almost done, and you'd have never heard from me again. Do you remember when I said if you fucked with me - I'd come bad bigger and badder? Guess what? My music will sound better, have more mass appeal, and be unrelenting in the dissection of the myriad ways you guys suck.
I am back. I will do more songs. I will continue to post and educate until I bore of it. Rest assured that by doing heavy handed shit like this, you will continue to spur my interest in mocking you.
Once again, my weapon of choice is humor - and once again you will lose. I intend and advocate no violence or intimidation to Scientologists - only mockery. You are powerless against mockery, and show it by trying to frame me for threats. I am glad your stupid operative did such a piss-poor job - following the tech assures your impotence.
Here is a list of what you have tried so far:
1. Hired Lee Pitcher and ABI to investigate me.
2. Improperly attained my personal information from MP3.com
3. Tried to get me kicked off Indielaunch.com
4. Framed me for threats to the FBI
Every thing you try will be exposed with details, and not all of the details will be released, so you'll never know how much I know. I have now spoken with the FBI s well as the Phoenix police organised crime task force. Everyone is on the same page. Now that your clumsy attempts have only pissed me off - what will you do? Will you ignore me until I am bored, or will you push me further with your immoral actions? Will you step it up and attack me? I know you have my name and address - so what is it gonna be? I'll tell you one thing - it won't happen quietly or in the dark. Every move you make against me will be publicized and scrutinized. You have already committed one crime against me - will you escalate just to silence free speech?
Also - the Enturbulator 009 CD "Scientology Sucks" should be done within
the month. 13 tracks of the reason why Scientology wants to silence my
voice. You can hear the pre-CD versions and some older songs at
http://www.indielaunch.com/enturbulator - more new songs are now in the
works. We will probably do another full CD's worth of music now that
we've been pushed. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!
It's on,