Seeing just how much "Fair Game" I, my attorney, activists,
etc... are subjected to I wondered how to respond.
Of course, I will not reveal my whole strategy here, but one aspect will be to respond with the Truth.
I was I the $$$cn. cult for 24 years or so... I got to know the ins-and-outs of how it works by personal experience. I was a public, a staff member, a Scn celebrity, a confidant of many org top administrators while I visited their areas (hundreds of times for Art events), a New OT8, an FSM, a PR man, a volunteer, a student on many courses at Flag, a friend to Lisa Mc Pherson and now a guy who has sued every main Scientology organization for the fraud that I believe it was, is, and is continuing to be. I have been personally subjected to Fair Game in action by OSA and have been forced into financial ruin by the outlaw activities of OSA and the asthmatic dwarf tyrant.
So, all that experience gives me a huge amount of data to post as the truth of what I experienced.
What I would like to do, within the limits of time available, is to write a posting to ars containing truth about Scientology from my vast archives of personal experience.
I would like to dedicate each posting to someone who has been subjected to Scientology's Fair Game destructivity, so please email me at with your summary (brief but accurate) reports of Scientology's Fair Game actions on you, either past or present, and I will do my best to get one of these truth postings up on ars dedicated to you as my response to Fair Game.
How does that sound?
Love to all who stand up for the truth against the blizzard of lies from the $$$cn cult flakes. The truth will melt away the flaky lies in the warmth of its own Light.
May your own Light shine Bright.